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1 Corinthians 4:2 - Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.


Thank you for your interest in our local breeder program.  We are excited to support local breeders and farms in our community and surrounding areas. Quality proteins is the foundation to making our GREAT products and animal welfare is of the utmost importance to us.

This page serves two (2) key purposes:

  1. To inform our customers of the quality proteins used to make our products and
  2. To encourage partnerships with local breeders and farmers

We require that all animals are:

  • Humanely raised and handled
  • In good health
  • Free of antibiotics and hormones

We encourage grass fed, and non-GMO feeding, although non-GMO is not required.

To ensure that our standards are being met:

  • Our breeders sign an annual certification that they are meeting or exceeding our requirements
  • Home visits are conducted



Locally sourced livestock currently includes: alpaca, beef, goat, llama, pork and sheep which are sourced from local farmers, in whole or in part.

Name (Individual or Business) Type of Animal(s) Raised



License(s) and/or Experience

Describe Raising Conditions Describe What Animal(s) are Fed Photo
D & J Farms Sheep D & J Farms started in1986 with dairy cows which went strong through 1998, then the market went bad.  We tried different things until 2006 when we bought our first sheep.  We bought 14 ewes and raised the rest of our stock.  We now have 135 ewes.  Free range most of the time and then in a barn during the winter months.  We use only natural products for deworming. We mostly graze as long as grass is available.  In winter they are fed baleage that we make on our farm.  


Beaver Run Livestock Goat My family has been raising meat goats for nearly 10 years.  We raise purebred boer goats of great quality.  My wife also has an animal science degree and enjoys the husbandry aspect and raising them with me.  We keep animals in the barn over the winter and in the spring we put them out on pasture. We hand feed our animals twice a day.  Currently, our growing animals and bucks are fed a complete balanced ration from blue seal feed.  Our mature does are fed a grain mix.

Photo of Primary Caregiver

Living Area

Guinea Pig


Name (Individual or Business)   

Type of Animal(s) Raised            



License(s) and/or Experience


           Describe Raising Conditions                                

           Describe What Animal(s) are Fed                                           


G. Joseph Colucci Teddy Cavies ARBA Rabbit and Cavy judge Raised in stacker cages.  All cavies are on solid floors. Rowe pellets NA
Triple EEE Farms Cavies NA Raised in wire cages with plastic trays for the floors. Pellets and hay NA
Joel and Jeffrey Garman Cavies NA Wooden pens with hinge wire lids. In the summer the pens are moved 2 or 3 times per day in nice grass. In the winter, they are kept in a well-ventilated barn with clean hay for bedding. Fresh grass and hay, all they can eat. Pellets daily, fresh lettuce, carrots, apples every couple of days. Mineral wheels always, fresh water in bottles. Photo of Primary Caregiver


We recommend that rabbits are fed a balanced diet including hay, occasional veggies and fruit, along with non-GMO pellets. We encourage breeders to use an open colony concept for rabbitry if they are able to do so, or large hutches/pens. Following the recommendations of ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association), we also encourage the use of resting boards or pads.


Name (Individual or Business) Type of Animal(s) Raised



License(s) and/or Experience

Website Describe Raising Conditions Describe What Animal(s) are Fed Photo
Blue Ridge Rabbit Meat Company Rabbits: California,  Smut Nose and New Zealand Whites South Carolina Department of Agriculture registered Manufacturer -Rabbit Processor, FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Every rabbit is raised in an independent, sheltered environment that allows each animal to receive proper and individualized food, water, and rest.   All rabbits are hand fed a special blend of 18% rabbit feed, that we have worked with our feed company the last 3 years to get the most conversion, a high fiber no grain by-products that will maximize feed conversions to meat.  We also supplement with timothy and alfalfa hay that we grown on our own 150 acres that we spread our own rabbit manure on.   
Photo of Staff
Charlene & Catherine Benton Crème D’Argent, Argente Brun, Mini Rex, Dwarf Papillon We are members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association with over 30 years of raising rabbit experience. Catherine is an ARBA rabbit registrar. We volunteer with the local 4-H program and ARBA show circuit while being active members of the ARBA. We have served in national club officer roles, such as Vice President and Open Director, and promote the rabbit show industry.   Not Available The rabbits are housed in an insulated barn to aid in temperature control. Each animal has its individual coop with unlimited access to water. Rabbits are housed in wire bottom cages with resting cage mats to allow waste to fall into tray while keeping animals clean and comfortable. Our small rabbitry provides daily natural lighting with ample air flow to promote a happy and healthy life for each animal. Our rabbits are fed a custom diet of 16% protein complete pelleted feed. Hay is offered frequently in addition to weekly treats such as oats, sunflower seeds, etc.

Photo of Primary Caregiver
Melvin Byler New Zealand, Flemish Giants, California Not Available   Not Available Rabbits are in an enclosed structure in hanging cages.  The cages have a water system that feeds water to each cage. Pellets NA
Kenneth  Barrows New Zealand Whites I've been a livestock dealer specializing in rabbits, goats and poultry for over 30 years I've owned State and federally inspected slaughter facilities and processing centers for meat.   Not Available All my rabbits are raised in 30 by 30 inch tall wire cages inside barns that have adequate ventilation and are cleaned on a regular basis
Rabbits are fed strictly rabbit pellets that are manufactured for me to my specs by a local feed company there are no additional antibiotics or hormones used in our feed NA
Nico Garde New Zealand Whites and New Zealand Cross I raise NZ whites and NZ crosses for the human and pet food market. I keep some ARBA registered animals for show rabbits. I work at a USDA butcher shop, and I've been handling meat and foods to industry standards for over 6 years between the butcher shop and commercial kitchens.   Not Available I have does in individual breeder pens 30-66"x24x20. They have unlimited fresh water from an automatic system. The cage floors are wire and there is metal roofing material to control waste movement through the cage levels. Rabbits are fed an 18% pellet (Kalmbach) and hay. This fall I'll be introducing dried duckweed to their diets. NA
G. Joseph Colucci

Polish, Mini Lops, Rhinelanders, Havana, Silver Rabbits

Chicken (eggs)

I have been raising rabbits and chickens for 40 years and a ARBA judge since 2010   Not Available
Rabbits are raised in hanging cages with tray bottoms in a sheltered environment.

Rabbits are fed daily using drop feeders and provided unlimited water supply.

Photo of Primary Caregiver

Rabbit Living Area

Harper Nelson Mini Lops, Holland Lops, Dutch, & New Zealands We are a small family run rabbit farm that has been providing rabbits to Hare Today for the past 2 years.  We also have ducks, chickens, cats and dogs.    Not Available Rabbits are raised in hanging cages with tray bottoms in a barn.  They also have an area to let them roam and play together outside. Rabbits are fed Non-GMO pellets daily and have unlimited access to water and hay.  They are also provided with fresh fruits and vegetables.  

Photo of Primary Caregiver

Rabbit Living Area

Erick Denihan Flemish Giants, Checkered Giants, and Dutch
Started as a hobby farm to teach my children responsibility during the Covid shut down. We also raise chickens and have 3 dogs.
  Not Available Rabbits are in an enclosed structure.  They are in large wire cages with the ability to open for colony style when appropriate.   Rabbits are fed daily and provided fresh water through a watering system.
Rabbits are fed pellets, hay, and vegetables grown in our garden.

Photo of Primary Caregiver


Rabbit Living Area

Rabbit Living Area 2

Robin & Randy Kareha
Mini Lop Rabbits
We started raising rabbits for our daughters 4-H involvement in 2004. She left for college on 2010 and so mom and dad took over raising and expanding our Mini Lop breed. We have on average 100 rabbits that we care for, we raise rabbits for showing and show all over the tri-state area. We have a passion for breeding to improve the breed to make it better and uniform. We are a registered rabbitry and members of ARBA ( American Rabbit Breeders Association) and the Mini Lop Club of America.   Not Available Clean environment, our barn is cleaned daily with cage scraping and vacuuming all loose fur and dirt, floor is swept or vacuumed at minimum of 2 times a day. The drop pans are emptied, rinsed scrubbed with a brush and pine cleaner twice a week. there is no loose fur flying around or hanging on cages in our barn. Barn is well ventilated winter and summer heated in the winter to 42-42 degrees, summer we have several fans running as needed to keep cool and air moving, if extremely hot we add an air conditioner. We maintain an automatic watering system so fresh water is always available. and we have a sick bay in our basement in case a rabbit is sick.
Daily in the evening 1 ounce feed per pound of rabbit weight.

Photo of Primary Caregiver

Rabbit Living Area

Rabbit Living Area 2

Charles Roberstson Mixed Breeds Have raised hogs and other livestock for over 25 years.   Not Available Rabbits are in wooden hutches with wire bottoms and doors.  They include a nesting box in the back and have a metal roof.  Rabbits are fed twice a day by hand.  They are provided pellets, hay, wheat, and garden veggies NA
Marvin Byler Flemish Giants I was a dairy farmer all my life and I'm turning my farm over to my son.  Rabbits are my hobby as I still enjoy raising livestock.    Not Available Rabbits are in wire and wood cages with plenty of fresh air. Rabbits are fed twice a day a choice of pellets, fresh water, and hay.  NA
Katrina and Jason Dye New Zealands
We've been raising rabbits for personal and show uses for nearly 20 years.
  Not Available
All wire cages within a pole building. During nicer weather they have all wire cages that are moveable for use outside.

They're fed the appropriate ration of Manna Pro Gro and hay daily.
Barb Sherlock Jersey Wooly  We have a family run farm which included horses, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, ducks, and of course our dogs and cats.  We have raised animals here for 25 years.  We also raise and sell hay.    Not Available Rabbits are raised in stacking cages with trays, located in our barn. Each individual cage has a feeder and we use water bottles. Pen Pals Professional Rabbit 18% pellets, hay and oats are fed daily. 

Photo of Primary Caregiver

Rabbit Living Area

Jaime & John Shelatz New Zealand My husband and I are new to raising rabbits. We were looking for something else to make some income while still working our full time jobs. So we decided raising rabbits with the help from our 11 and 7 year old sons. We are not new to raising animals, we live on a 500 head commercial beef family farm. We definitely love animals and good quality ones.   Not Available Our rabbits are in individual hanging pens that have a flush type system.  I feed the rabbits morning and evening, they get free choice fresh water and free choice rabbit pellets. I also give have during the morning feeding for them to munch on. We feed kalmbach rabbit pellets 16% non GMO. Rabbit Living Area
Harvey Carver New Zealand Whites and California Showing rabbit in US and Canada since 1983.  I have raised rabbits for over 69 years.  I am a lifetime member of the American Rabbits Breeders Association and the American Federation of New Zealand Breeders.   Not Available Rabbits live in wire cages with trays underneath. Rabbits are fed Manna Pro rabbit pellets and hay. NA
Kevin Fehr & Ryan Fehr Mixed Breeds I have previously raised rabbits for meat and now it is time for Ryan to learn.   Not Available Rabbits live in wire cages in an enclosed barn that is cleaned regularly.  Rabbits are fed Pen Pals pellets and hay twice daily. Photo of Primary Caregiver and Rabbit Living Area
Jason Siar Flemish giant/New Zealand mix, and mixed breeds I have seven years experience raising and breeding rabbits. I primarily raised meat rabbits. I did however raise lion head and mini rex as pets for about a year.    Not Available Wooden hutches with wire bottom and doors. Each cage has a water bottle, food bowl, and nesting box if female. The rabbits are fed non gmo pellets daily. The have unlimited access to water and hay. Fresh vegetables and fruits are fed 3 to 4 days a week.  Rabbit Living Area
Joe J Miller Flemish New Zealand cross Started raising rabbits in 2019 for meat but has had rabbits for 2 years before that.   Not Available Wire cages in shed that is cleaned weekly Believe mostly Buckeye brand purchased from Shetler's store in Fredonia-pellets Rabbit Living Area
Neil Shetler California White and Florida Whites  I have farmed and raised animals all of my life.    Not Available Rabbits live in an enclosed barn in individual wire pens. Rabbits are fed oats, hay, grass, pellets, vegetables, and fruits.  Rabbits are fed and provided water daily. NA
Rebecca Kindle

Rex/ Flemish Giants

Quail (eggs)

10 years of raising rabbits   Not Available Calf hutches and large cages. Fed daily pellets and alfalfa hay. NA
Patrick Processing New Zealands and several other breeds

Past district director for district 8 area
Past Vice President Ohio State Rabbit Breeders
Past President Penn-Ohio RBA
Rabbit judge since 1991

Several National wind best in shows, Licensed rabbit judge since 1991

  Not Available Rabbits that I purchase are raised in all wire cages for showing. Pellets and hay NA
Danielle Verga California/New Zealand I have lived around horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, and turkeys my whole life. This is the first time I have ever tried raising and selling rabbits. I started raising rabbits about two months ago and currently have eight rabbits. I want to raise rabbits naturally and provide a benefit to the environment.    Not Available My rabbits live in cages. We are in the process of building rabbit tractors so we can give them access to grass.  Free feed rabbit pellets, water, and hay. The water and pellets are in containers in the corner of the cages and the hay is in another corner.  I feed ADM Pen Pals Professional rabbit pellets, hay and grass.

Rabbit Living Area

Rabbit Living Area 2

Mark and Holly English New Zealand Cross Mark and Holly are great kids that are being raised with a wide variety of animals on our family farm.   Not Available Our rabbits are housed in wire cages in one of our barns.  Unbred/resting females are housed in a group pen until they are closer to kindling. Our rabbits are fed at least twice daily, and more often when nursing and litters are growing. We feed Kalmbach pellets, second crop hay or fresh grass when available, and fruits and vegetables in season.

Photo of Primary Caregiver

Rabbit Living Area

Wright's Running Springs Farm California and Mini Rex My family has had and raised rabbits for over 50 years.  We started with 4-H rabbits and raise them for 4-H kids and for meat.    Not Available Rabbits are kept in cages with solid wood frames with adequate protection but proper ventilation. They are feed with self feeders and bowls.  They are watered and feed twice a day.  I feed Kalmbach pellets. Rabbit Living Area
Karolynn Wright New Zealand and New Zealand/California crosses I became interested in rabbits 23 years ago when my son was given his first rabbit.  All three of my kids took rabbits all through their 4-H careers.  After they finished 4-H I kept the rabbits.  I now have a 30 plus hole rabbitry and raise rabbits for 4-H meat pens.   Not Available My rabbits live in roomy outdoor hutches in an enclosure between two outbuildings.  Their pen is completely enclosed with cattle panels covered with chicken wire to keep out most predators.  I also string tarps over the hutches in the summer to provide shade since the two trees I have planted are not large enough yet.  I feed and water adult rabbits once a day although I will water them twice a day in freezing and hot weather.  Young rabbits and nursing does are fed and watered twice a day.  I use j feeders and crocks and prefer to use water bottles until the weather is too cold.  I feed Kalmbach pellets. 

Photo of Primary Caregiver

Rabbit Living Area

Guy McKean New Zealand, California, Flemish Giants, Rex, and Lionhead I grew up on a farm. Started raising rabbits for 4 h and pets. Raise rabbits now since it is most economic for my operation.   Not Available Some are free range or in large outdoor pens with covers. Breeder bucks are in elevated cages. Doe are in elevated cages or housed in a pen of 10. I feed hay, grass, and  16% pellets in free choice self feeders Rabbit Living Area
Laurel Lops Holland Lops I have raised animals all my life.  I have raised Holland Lops for 5 years.    I am concentrating on my chocolate line as well as a variety of colors and patterns.   Not Available Rabbits are raised in Martins Stacking cages.  Adults are in 24x24 cages and juniors are in 18x24 cages.  All have trays that are cleaned and sprayed with disinfectant weekly. All rabbits are fed twice daily.  In the morning they receive pellets and water.  The pellets are top dressed with oats.  In the evening they receive pellets and second cut grass hay mixed with timothy.  They also receive fresh herbs, kale, romaine, apple pieces, carrots slices, and cheerios as treats.  NA
Beaver Run Livestock Jersey Wooly and Polish My family has been raising meat goats for nearly 10 years and rabbits for nearly 3.  I currently work as a feed sales rep for Kent Nutrition Group and have a passion for raising livestock specifically for show.  We raise pedigreed jersey wooly and polish rabbits of good quality.  My wife also has an animal science degree and enjoys the husbandry aspect and raising them with me. We raise them as natural as possible with limited medical dewormers and antibiotics   Not Available Our rabbitry is currently in our insulated garage with proper ventilation. Twice daily, unlimited feed and water. We feed a complete feed blue seal pellet free choice with limited hay.

Photo of Primary Caregiver

Rabbit Living Area

Local Rabbit Breeder New Zealand and New Zealand/california crosses I have worked on farms most of my life.  I raised calves until the market went bad.  I have been raising rabbits going on 4 years.    Not Available Our rabbity is in an enclosed barn with good ventilation  and natural light.  The rabbits are housed in wire cages. Rabbits are fed once daily unless they are young or lactating, then feed is available at all times.  They are provided pellets and some hay and herbs.  Rabbit Living Area






Creating professional partnerships with breeders and farmers is the backbone to our business and our nation!


Interested in raising rabbits? Complete this fillable form and we will be in touch!


We source local guinea pigs as well. Fill out our Guinea Breeder packet.


For our Local Breeder program, consisting of alpaca, beef, goat, llama, and sheep, use this form: