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Ordering & Account FAQ

Where do I start? Information on ordering, minimums and commitment to raw feeding.

Our website is the sole source for customer orders. Online ordering allows customers an easier means of placing orders, accurate records of inventory control and the most up to date shipping information.

Is there a minimum order?

10 lbs is the minimum for ordering frozen goods. This excludes freeze dried, dehydrated goods and supplements if ordered separately. Orders 30 lbs or under require 2 extra freeze packs. It is difficult to keep smaller quantities frozen during transit so by adding in extra freeze packs this will help keep the product cold. See Shipping FAQ and raw FAQ which I address thawing.

There are a couple reasons for the 10 lb minimum.
First, the majority of our raw foods are frozen. If we try to ship less than 10 lbs, it is almost impossible to keep products cold enough during shipping. The more products you have in a box, the longer it will take to start thawing.

There are NO exceptions to the 10 lb minimum for frozen foods shipping. If you are looking to transition or try raw without ordering 10 lb of frozen, see our Freeze Dried products that ship for a flat rate of $11.50.

Second, raw feeding is a commitment. You can transition your dog or cat. Dogs are easier. Fast for 12 hours and offer the food. If your dog does not eat it within 20 minutes pick it up and put in fridge till next meal. A healthy dog will not starve themselves and will eat. You have to wait them out. Picky dogs are created. You have to do "tough love."

Cats can be more difficult. You can NOT starve a cat into eating. This is an excellent website for feeding cats:

Also, here is a one page PDF guide on how to transition a cat to raw feeding:
What is your schedule for processing products and handling out of stock inventory?
Generally speaking, our processing schedule runs as follows:

Mondays and Tuesdays are our shipping days, so we do not process on these days except for packaging some dehydrated treats.

Wednesdays we package all non-ground items, such as hearts, trim, whole fish, meaty bones, etc. We also grind and package poultry, fish and occasionally some red meats such as goat, llama, and ground organs.

Thursday's processing is rabbit, beef, tripe, beef pancreas and pork.

Every other Friday we work with our local breeders and schedule live rabbit intakes which contribute to our whole prey product line. Depending on supply availability, whole prey rabbits will be processed and added to the website, typically around noon.

Our Freeze-Dried product line is currently limited in availability given the length of processing time (around 40 hours for the freeze-dried cycle alone). We add inventory for our Freeze-Dried products on Mondays and Wednesdays each week.

Typically, inventory is added to the website around 4:30 EST following our processing days.

We work extremely hard at keeping all inventory in stock, but we do run out occasionally and need time to get restocked. On the product pages you will see the quantities available. If you order more than the quantity listed, you will not be able to check out. You can only order what we have in stock. I do not back-order items that are not yet available because it is an inventory nightmare to track. Orders are done on a first come first served basis, no pre-orders.

If a product is out of stock, you can sign up for an email notification to be notified when product stock is updated. Click on request stock notification. If an item is out of stock for more than a week this means it is unavailable at the present time.

For some items the demand exceeds supply such as tripe, pancreas, Alpaca and Llama. These items sell out on a weekly basis. The best way to get these items is to order immediately, once you are notified that the product has been added. Again, first come, first serve.
Do you have samples for me to try?
We cannot send samples due to being frozen food.
Ready to create an account? Or need to reset your password?
Create an Account:

Click to select "Create Account" in the upper right hand corner of our website. Enter your information to create your account profile. Here, there is also an option to subscribe to our newsletter which will keep you up to date on our business, education on raw feeding and so much more.

Need to reset your password?

Click "Questions? Ask Us!" in the upper right hand corner of our website. After you complete the form and hit "Submit" we will receive an email directly to which is the quickest way to reach us.

After we provide your temporary password, we strongly suggest updating your user information by logging into your account and selecting "Edit Account".
When products are in my shopping cart, are those products reserved?
No, products are only deducted from inventory upon purchase. Remember, all orders are first come, first serve.
Do you offer an auto ship option?
We don't offer an auto ship as payment info is not stored, but to make it easy for reordering, login to your account, click my account and then you will see your order history.

Click on the box to the right to view orders and there is also a reorder this again link, top right, that adds items back to your cart. Then proceed through check out.
Do you offer custom orders not listed on the website?
We do not do custom orders.

All products are done ahead of time and you can only order what is in stock. Product quantities are listed on the product descriptions. I also have limited freezer space and limited time which is another reason we do not do custom orders.
Can I buy additional dry ice or freeze packs to add to my order?
There is a max on dry ice, which we are at. Beyond the max would result in extra handling fees for hazardous material. For this reason, adding additional dry ice is not an option.

We do have Freeze Packs for purchase ( but adding those may not be the best option. Adding additional freeze packs will take up shipping space, adding to the shipping weight and cost of your order. Instead, when possible, order the largest size products available and I recommended filling your box with raw frozen products.

To set your mind at ease regarding transit time and thawing, we do offer faster shipping options and Hold at Locations using FedEx Express. Also, keep in mind that 5 lb. sizes take much longer to thaw. See Shipping FAQ for more information.
How does my order stay frozen during transit? And how to avoid being charged an additional $5.00 shipping fee.
Two freeze packs and 5 lbs of dry ice are added per shipping box on orders that are 1-2 day transits and are over 31 lbs. There is no additional fee for this.

Four freeze packs and 8 lbs dry ice are added to orders that are under 31 lbs and/or are 3+ day transits. There is a packaging fee of $5.00 added to cover the additional costs of the extra freeze packs and dry ice needed.

To avoid the fee order at least 31 lbs of food, if you are a 1 or 2 day transit. If you are a 3+ day transit we have to use extra freeze packs and dry ice and this fee will be applied regardless of quantities ordered.
Do you have different size packaging?
Most ground products have different options on sizes from 1, 2 and 5 lb fine ground and also 3 lb coarse ground.

If the product has these options there is a drop down menu that you can select the size and grind you want.

Our meaty bones and marrow bones have both a large and small size option. The non ground items do not come in different sizes.
Ready to order? Here you will learn more about our shipping schedule and cut off dates.
Shipping Information:

We ship our frozen food on Monday and Tuesdays only through FedEx. You may also request a specific ship date in advanced by adding that date in the comments box at checkout, keeping in mind we only ship Monday and Tuesday.

Non-frozen items ship daily priority mail, Monday-Thursday each week. Please note we need a physical address for shipping, NO PO boxes.

Additional information regarding box sizes can be found on our Shipping FAQ.

Cut Off Dates:
There is not a definitive cut off date or time on shipments. Do not expect your order to ship the day you order. All orders should be in at a minimum of 1 day prior to the next ship date.

More information is also listed on our Home Page - Shipping Info and Schedules. Orders are completed on a first come, first serve basis. We can do about 200 boxes in a day. If we are over that amount by the time you place your order you will be scheduled for the following ship date.
Example: If you order on Sunday and we are at our max for Monday your order will ship Tuesday.
Do you allow customer pick-ups?
We are located in Springboro, PA 16435 if you want to map the distance.

Pick-up orders are during business hours only and by appointment. There is a 10 lb minimum on all orders.

Business hours are Monday-Thursday, 6 am till 4 pm. Closed from 10:00 am - Noon for lunch. [Lunch hour varies depending on shipping and processing schedules] We are closed on Fridays.
Weekend pick-ups are by appointment only and must be scheduled in advance, email to schedule a pick up prior to ordering.

Orders need to be placed online. Choose pick-up at check out and put in comments box the day and time you want to pick-up, keeping in mind the business hours. I will email to confirm and give driving directions.
Do you do bulk orders?
We try to keep product pricing as affordable as possible for everyone so we do not discount further.

To maximize shipping costs the best way to order is in 50 lb. increments.
Do you offer wholesale discounts? Resale?
I'm sorry I do not offer wholesale discounts as I try to keep product pricing as affordable as I can for everyone. In order for me to offer discounts on my products I would have to raise pricing and then offer a discount to a select few. This does not seem fair to me or to the majority of my customers that are end consumers and order direct.

If you are ordering ground meat/bone/organ the 5 lb. packaging is .50 lb. less than the smaller packaging as it is less labor for us to package, which in turn will save you $25.00 per 50 lb. order. You can repackage into smaller serving sizes and refreeze. See Raw Food FAQ.

Our products are not for resale, rather we sell to our end customer only.
Do you charge sales tax?
PA sales are charged 6% sales tax.
How do I change or cancel an order?
The only way to change or cancel an order is to email me so I can delete the existing order and refund payment. You would then need to redo the order with the items you want.

Shipping is based on weight of box so when you add or remove items the shipping cost changes. Also I need accurate records of what food is sent. We do not store credit card info so we can not add items and bill. It has to be done on the website as 1 complete order.

We pack orders in advance and put boxes in freezer till the ship date. We then pull the boxes, add dry ice and tape up. If your box is already packed and in freezer it is extremely difficult to find so you must cancel before Saturday.

If you cancel on the Saturday or Sunday prior to your ship date or request a same day cancellation if that is possible, there will be a 10% restocking fee. Cancellations may not be possible if requested on the same day as the set ship date and there will be no exceptions made to the restocking fee.
What is your return policy?
It's our goal to have 100% satisfied customers. However, because of the perishable nature of most of our products - we do not accept returns.
There was a mistake on my order?
If you did not receive the correct product, something ordered was omitted or there is damage - please contact us immediately. Take a couple pictures of the product and invoice, email them to us at

If you can not take a picture please describe the issue. My employees raises are based on NOT making shipping errors so I need to know who packed the box. It is imperative that you tell me the initials on the invoice. A picture of the invoice is preferred. Email it to me at
Also if there is an error it messes up my inventory count so I need to adjust inventory.

Due to the cost of shipping I do not resend items but if you verify by picture that you received the wrong item I will refund the price of the item you did not receive.

Please contact us within 24 hours after receipt of your shipment.
How do coupons work?
Coupon codes are emailed to newsletter subscribers and also posted on our Facebook page the 1st of every month, if one is offered for that month.

I do not do coupon codes every month.
Coupons can only be redeemed 1 time per month per user account.
Coupons are not retroactive and will not be applied once an order is placed. You must apply the code at check out to use a coupon.
Can you hold my order?
Yes, we can absolutely hold an order for you, but please keep the following in mind:

Held orders must be completed through our website and orders can only be placed if stock is available. All orders must also meet our minimum order requirement of 10 lbs. for frozen products. Once an order is placed, we reserve current inventory on hand using the First In, First Out (FIFO) policy. Holds should not be requested for durations greater than 3 months.

How to request a hold on your order:

Complete your shopping cart and start through the checkout process. During the checkout process, you are welcome to use the comment box if you would like us to hold your order using date specific shipping, keeping in mind we only ship Mondays and Tuesdays and follow the Holiday Shipping schedule here:

Combining orders:

If you later add a second order and would like us to combine the orders into one box, add a comment to that order stating to “Combine with order # XXXXX to be shipped on [xx/xx]”, using whichever date you prefer.

Once we receive the second order with a combine request, we would combine the two orders into one box (keeping in mind that max is 50 lb. per box). We would recalculate your shipping and refund any overages in reward points. Although I would ask that you, please try to keep this option to a minimum if possible.

There will be a 10% cancelation fee to all held orders that are canceled given we pack orders in advanced and hold those in our freezer until the requested ship date.

During checkout Shipping Protection is offered, what does this cover?
Shipping Protection covers damage, loss, and theft. We strive for 100% customer satisfaction and would never leave a customer with perished goods, but do ask for partnership with our customers.

With seasonal shipping peaks, during the heat of the summer, and when on-time delivery percentages fall, shipping can become a huge liability and hardship for our small family business. Instead of increasing product costs, the shipping protection option was added to help offset lost revenues and customer refunds due to shipping carriers’ delays, damages, and failure to deliver which comes 100% out of my pocket.

If the shipping protection is not selected, our customer would assume liability and responsibility if any damages, losses, or theft occurs.

Please note that the Shipping Protection also works hand and hand with our Order Issues policy:

Delayed or Failed deliveries.

You must contact me within 24 hours if there is a delivery issue.

For example, if we ship your order on a Monday, and you have a two (2) day estimated transit, you would expect to receive your order on Wednesday. If your order is not received on Wednesday, that would be considered delayed, and the 24 hours begins. In this example, we would expect to hear from you no later than Thursday.

Delivery issues include, but may not be limited to, carrier delays and failed deliveries. Transit times can be found on our Customer Support/Shipping Information page and are also listed during checkout.

Carriers do not insure perishable goods (generally speaking) which is why it is imperative to contact me if there are any delays. Loses come directly out of our pocket, which can become a huge liability for our small family business, but our customers and the lives that go into our products are very important to me, and we will be your biggest advocate.

If delays occur, I can put a trace on your order, and we will contact FedEx/UPS on your behalf. We can contact our carriers and have them reach out to drivers to see where the box was left as it may have been delivered to a wrong address. Make sure to also double check around your home and surrounding neighbors, as this is the first question our carriers will ask.

Time is of the absolute essence with delay and/or failed deliveries.

If you fail to contact me within 24 hours of receipt of box showing delivered there is no recourse and payment will not be refunded.

Also, keep in mind that we do not resend orders, rather all items must be reordered by the customer.