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Summer 2020 Newsletter

Sent on June 19, 2020

Summer 2020 Newsletter

Tips for Keeping your Pet Safe and Cool All Summer Long:

  • Make sure to provide plenty of fresh, clean water
  • Recognize symptoms of overheating
  • Always supervise around lakes, ponds, and pools
  • Watch out for food and drinks that can be poisonous to your pets
  • Best to leave pets at home during Fourth of July firework celebrations

Make sure to provide plenty of fresh, clean water

To avoid dehydration, providing plenty of fresh, clean water is so important. If you are out in the sun, remember to cool down in a shady place to avoid overheating, also being careful not to over-exercise in hot or humid temperatures. 

I like to bring a collapsible silicone water bowl on outings.

Remember to clean your pet's bowel at least once or twice a week and change water daily. This helps reduce biofilm.


Recognize symptoms of overheating

Symptoms of overheating include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, shock or even collapse. Symptoms can also include seizures, bloody diarrhea, and vomit along with an elevated body temperature of over 104 degrees.

Always supervise pets around lakes, ponds, and pools

Even the best swimmers get tried out and can over push their abilities. Also, not all animals are good swimmers. For these reasons, it is best to gradually introduce your pets to water and make sure they wear flotation devices when on boats. 

After your pet's refreshing dip, remember to rinse them off after swimming to remove chlorine or salt from the fur and try to keep them from drinking pool water.


Watch out for food and drinks that can be poisonous to your pets

Keep alcoholic beverages away from pets, as they can cause intoxication, depression, and comas. Similarly, remember that the snacks enjoyed by your human friends should not be a treat for your pet; any change of diet, even for one meal, may give your dog or cat severe digestive ailments. 

Best to leave pets at home during Fourth of July firework celebrations

Because many pets are fearful of loud noises and can become lost, scared, or disoriented, it may be best to keep your little guys safe from the noise in a quiet, sheltered and escape-proof area of your home. 



Supply and Demand

Rabbit, typically between December and March, there can be difficulties in sourcing rabbit given the colder temperatures as we are located in Northwest Pennsylvania. I have seen a large increase of Rabbit demand, in particular, over the last few years and I believe this is a direct reflection of increased raw feeders across our nation.  Each day, I continue to be thankful that our domesticated carnivores are getting better nutrition.

COVID-19 effect on supply and demand. We source a large number of rabbits from local fairs, and with the pandemic, many local show breeders have decreased or stopped breeding given that fairs are cancelled. This has added an extra layer of difficulty in sourcing rabbit. On the contrary, given that restaurants have slowed down immensely, human-grade rabbit manufactures have had a surplus of rabbit and we have been happy to partner with high-quality rabbit producers. Each day I work hard to do everything possible to secure additional Rabbit supply, from outreach to new potential growers, to ongoing contact with already established growers. 

COVID has presented new challenges on a daily basis, including but not limited to, additional hours worked by myself and staff, to keep up with inventory demands, shipping prioritizes, and supply delays. Given supply delays caused by the pandemic, I have been posting our processing list each week on our homepage and Facebook page. Please check for our processing list each week Monday afternoon or Tuesday mornings if you are seeing out of stock inventory on the website.

As we get further into the summer months, Rabbit supply will increase, and I hope for greater inventory availability.

Remember, we process rabbit every Thursday, depending on supply. Inventory is added around 4:30pm EST following our processing days. We also have additional information under "What is your schedule for processing products and handling out of stock inventory?" here:

Boneless Ground Products: Rabbit and Goat

We recently made a significant large equipment purchase to mechanically de-bone rabbit and goat given the extremely limited availability of boneless rabbit and goat materials across the nation. 

Mechanically de-boned, not a lot of blood is retained, so much lighter in color then the regular ground rabbit/bone and organs. Given the de-boning process, it is possible for small fragments of bone to be present.


Discontinued products

The following products have been discontinued on the supplier level. Once inventory is depleted, unfortunately we will need to inactive and discontinue these products.

  • Alaska Naturals Wild Alaska Pollock Oil for Cats, 4oz
  • Pawbreakers Original Edible Catnip Ball

New Meat (chub) Bags

Rest assured that there will be NO CHANGE to our processing or raw materials used in our new packaging. So you may be asking, "Why the change?"

You may recall in January 2019, our business name changed slightly from "Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow" to "Hare Today", with the ownership change from my mom, Tracy Murphy to myself. Luckily, our current meat bags, contained both business names, incidentally. This has saved thousands of dollars being able to use our prior bags and we will continue to do so until those run out. 

The following products will have new packaging, coming soon:

  • Ground Chicken/Bones/Organs
  • Ground Turkey/Bones/Organs
  • Boneless Ground Elk

Check out the new Meat Bag layout with updated "Hare Today" Logo and bag now includes "Not for Resale" on back of bag.


Coupon Code

Use this coupon code to get $15 off your order, $100 or more, during the first week in July!

Coupon Code: Boom!
Valid: July 1, 2020- July 7, 2020

*Coupon codes must be applied during checkout only. Please do not email about coupon codes not applied at checkout, no credit will be given after order.


As always, if you ever have a question, please let me know and I am happy to help!

Best regards,

Ashlee [Wife, mother, passionate owner of Hare Today, and follower of Jesus]

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