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Start of a New Year - February 2021 Newsletter

Sent on February 1, 2021

Start of a New Year - February 2021 Newsletter


The start of 2021 will be a busy quarter for us as we are currently scheduling our annual Home Visits for local rabbit breeders. At Hare Today we strive to offer only the BEST for your domesticated carnivores, and our Home Visits are just one - of many steps - we use to ensure humane raising and handling of our sourced materials. 

During our annual Home Visit, we will be going through our checklist to ensure health and wellness, review living areas and husbandry, as well as population management. I am also humbled to provide a small token of appreciation to our local breeders during our visits which will help support their farm and rabbitry.

Check out our local breeder program here: Support Local Farmers | Hare Today (

Our focus on humane animal care, encouraging farmers, and educating customers will always be at the heart of our business, and I will be sure to update you along the way!


New Products

Check out our new products here: New Products | Hare Today (



In general, many guinea sizes have been out of stock at our supplier level which is the cause of zero inventory levels. This also applies to our Whole Carcass Ground Cavies.  Over the last year or two, prices for guineas have increased significantly, and I have absorbed the cost of those increases to the point of no profit. Recently, guinea suppliers have increased their prices again... which would put us in a loss if we continued to carry guineas from our suppliers.

At this time, I am working on building local relationships with premium guinea breeders to help offset the cost to offer our Ground Cavies and whole prey Guineas. With this in mind, there may be a lag time of availability as I get local breeders up to production standards.

Local Guinea breeders will also be added to our local farmers page on the website for full transparency.


Discontinued Products

The following products have been discontinued given low sales over the past few years:

  • Course ground fish. Although our 3 lb. course ground fish will be discontinued, we will continue to carry our fine ground fish products.
    • As a reminder, FINE Ground products are finished with our ¼” grinder plate, whereas our COARSE Ground products go through our 3/4" grinder plate. Our FINE Ground comes in 1 lb., 2 lb., and 5 lb. ground packaging options. Our COARSE Ground only comes in 3 lb. package sizes.
  • Whole Pheasant. We will continue to process our Ground Pheasant/Bones/Organs but given limited freezer space and low sales on our Whole Pheasant, that proudct will no longer be carried. 

Also, the following product has been discontinued on the supplier level. Once inventory is depleted, unfortunately we will need to deactivate and discontinue this product.


Raw Food Feeding Calculator NOW includes a Budget Calculator!

A commonly asked question by new customers is how much does it cost. So we added another great resouce to our Raw Food Feeding Calculator page to calculate the cost to feed our ground Meat/Bone/Organ products.

Also, I am working on adding clickable links for additional feeding information on Vitamins and Supplements to include the cost of those as well. 

Remember, our products are labeled for supplemental or intermittent feeding only and our Mission is to promote the practice of feeding domestic dogs, cats and other carnivores a Species Appropriate Diet of uncooked meats, edible bones and organs. We offer a wide variety of products, but do not have specific diet formulas that are considered “balanced and complete”. Refer to Recipe Details within our product descriptions,  “More Info” tab to gain insight and knowledge on product analysis if you choose to balance with your Holistic Vet and Pet Nutritionist.

Many of our prey model grinds can be selected for Budget calculations, but remember variety is the key to raw feeding.



Coupon Code

Use this coupon code to get $10 off your order, $100 or more, during the first week in February.

Coupon Code: LoveHareToday

Valid: February 1, 2021- February 7, 2021

*Coupon codes must be applied during checkout only. Please do not email about coupon codes not applied at checkout, no credit will be given after order.


As always, if you ever have a question, please let me know and I am happy to help!

Best regards,

Ashlee [Wife, mother, passionate owner of Hare Today, and follower of Jesus]

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