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FREE Rabbit Skeletons (while supplies last)

Sent on March 2, 2021

 FREE Rabbit Skeletons (while supplies last)

While processing our Boneless Rabbit Cubes/Strips, we have been saving our Rabbit Skeletons (less the head and front legs as those are used for our Rabbit Heads and Meaty Rabbit Bones, respectfully).

Our Rabbit Skeletons typically contain 2 skeletons per bag and weigh roughly 4-6 lbs. per bag.

And we would love to give away our Rabbit Skeletons, FREE of charge! To receive our Rabbit Skeletons, while supplies list, simply reserve 6 lbs within a current order (for example if you normally order 55 lbs, order 49 lbs) and add a note during checkout to "ADD a FREE Rabbit Skeleton to my order".

Rabbit is a novel protein and Rabbit Skeletons could be a good option to increase bone content in the diet. Remember, bones should never be cooked and given to your domesticated carnivores. Always give bones under supervision.

This item is also great for making rabbit bone broth. Check out this How to Make Bone Broth by Doctor Karen Becker.

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