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Displaying 581-590 of 590 results

He was a mess. Itching all of the time.

By cindy on September 21, 2015

We started feeding our first GSD, Rico, raw about a year ago. He was a mess. Itching all of the time.

The vet put him on so many different medicines that he gained weight and his wonderful personality changed. Then it was RX food. What a joke. He still itches, but not nearly as bad.

When we rescued Eevee we started her on raw the day we brought her home.

Hare-Today is awesome because it takes the guess work out of feeding raw. I don't worry that they might be missing something in their diet. The bones are great, too.


By Michael on September 20, 2015

First and foremost I am writing you this note to express my overwhelming gratitude for saving my beloved Puddy's LIFE !!!!!

Your food which is actually from farm to table for dogs is the best food on the planet for animals!!!!

Puddy was dying a slow and terrible death due to allergies from food, then more visits to the vets. The more pills they gave him which began to compromise his immune system and the rest of his body!!!

He was very sick with a terrible Cysts between his front paws. He also began having idiopathic head tremors.. He was down to 51 pounds, and my heart was bleeding for Puddy ....

His younger brother ROMEO's breeder recommended the Raw diet which would alleviate a lot of Puddys problems, and suggested I just put Romeo on it also because it would be easier to feed in the same food. Immediately I went online and started doing research.. Unfortunately you weren't the first company I started with.. I found another company which is supposed to the best RAW DIET FOR DOGS !!!

Began speaking with one of the owners, Jacqueline, she immediately shipped me out raw pork and goats milk... This to say the least the product was loaded with whey ,fillers ,and all kinds of preservatives!! To be frank it's complete garbage and Puddys condition did not improve, he just got sicker . Romeo his younger brother who has never been sick in his life ended up with a terrible case of the hives , don't think Puddy or Romeo took a solid bowel movement in seven weeks and they were always vomiting!!

Finally I called another company and the woman was kind enough to tell me after I explained PUDDYS condition that I needed to contact you and your farm immediately !!!! You were really the only person that could probably help my two boyz!

I reached out to you started Puddy &Romeo on ground rabbit with organs then we introduce tripe then we introduced beef and goat..

It is now September 20, I have followed the course of continuing feeding the boys your product, PUDDYS CYSTS are completely gone!!!! His LEAKY GUT healed WHICH WAS CAUSED BY ALL THE PILLS THESE VETERINARIANS GAVE HIM, he has not had an idiopathic head tremor in months!!! Romeo is just ROMEO is also as healthy as a dog can be!!!!!!!!!

I hope you let some of your customers or some other people read this testimonial, because if there are people on this planet that love their dogs the way I do and having problems with allergies they need to call you ASAP!!!!!

Below are some pictures of Puddys paws before and after, and I just threw in some pictures of ROMEO for the heck of it!! Warmest regards.

Michael , Puddy , & Romeo


We LOVEyou TRACY !!!!!!!!!!!

Tolinkas journey to raw

By Nichole on September 18, 2015

When I first got Tolinka she was about 6 months old, she looked like a perfectly healthy girl. I had her for about 5 months when she got demodectic mange.

I tried every dog food on the market an nothing helped two months into the mange she looked like the resident evil dogs, she had patches of hair missing and big bloody scabs everywhere.

Spent $5000 in vet fees for them to tell me to euthanize her. Because she is a coydog they said she wouldn't take to the treatments. They told me that even if I cleared it up, she would get it over and over.

Vets said I should cut my losses and pts. Well I wasn't going to do that! so I started researching and came across raw. With in a month she was getting better and better!

It's been 5 years and she has never looked better! The vets (who said raw would kill her) couldn't believe she made such a recovery and never got it again.

Raw feeding saved my girl and I now do everything as natural as possible for her!

Nichole, IN

Marco and Cancer

By Angela on September 13, 2015

I have to tell you I've always felt that raw food just makes sense but fear of some poor standards in meat processing has always kept me away.

My cat, Marco, has very advanced cancer in his nasal cavity which was the final push to switch to raw.

A friend of mine strongly suggested your company. Between the raw food and the homeopathic remedies, Marco is doing fantastic.

He has already long surpassed the Veterinarian's prognosis and continues to be healthy and happy.

My redneck husband is now a believer and shares with all his friends about Marco's miraculous recovery. (Truthfully, he still has cancer to my knowledge but you would never know it by how great he is doing.)

I hope some day to put all the animals on raw food but currently can only afford his. I just thought it might be nice to hear what your company has done to help this pet family.

My 3 Beddies

By Frank on September 4, 2015

About 6 months ago my 3 Bedlingtons made the switch from dry food to Hare Today's Raw Food.

I was concerned about making the switch not having much knowledge or experience about raw food. I found the Hare Today Gone Tomorrow web site and started asking questions. Let me tell you, they were so helpful and knowledgeable in answering all of my questions. The switch was easy.

Bedlingtons can be prone to allergies especially skin irritation and ear infections. I am so very happy to report that I haven't had to bring them to the vet once since the switch. Ash, Maya, and Tootsie thank,Hare Today Gone Tomorrow for making delicious healthy food for us.

Keep it coming!

Frank , NJ

We thought we'd run out of options... we hadn't tried the best

By alex on September 1, 2015

18 months ago, our black cat Torgo was underweight, taking high doses of steroids, and constantly had an upset stomach. We had tried every dry and canned prescription food we could find from our vet and the internet, but nothing helped his irritable bowel.

We switched to raw food from Hare Today. Torgo took to it immediately; within a month his digestion was much improved, and within three months we were able to completely stop the steroids.
Now, after 18 months with products from Hare Today,Torgo is healthy, happy, has a very shiny coat -and he may even be getting a little fat!

None of this could have happened without Hare Today. I know that whether I order ground or whole prey I will receive high quality bio-appropriate raw food, carefully wrapped and shipped right to my door, and that both Torgo and Fingal will go crazy over it.

Great quality and great prices

By DORIS on September 1, 2015

I love Hare-Today for their great quality and freshness of meats.

My cats just love all the different variety of meats I can feed them without having to worry about quality issues or the humane treatment of the animals which is very important to me. I know that the animals have to be killed , but the how is important to me and Hare- Today does it with co2 so it's fast and painless and this is what makes me more comfortable about feeding raw.

I have received several shipments already and always was the food perfectly frozen and fresh.

I trust this company and will be a customer for as long as I have cats.
Thank you Tracy for doing such a great job, I love your Products.


By Dawn on August 22, 2015

I wanted to start my new sphynx baby off with a good healthy start in life. I researched feeding raw and was overwhelmed.

How do I get the right balance? Where do I get my meat? How much do I feed, etc, etc.
I do not enjoy handling raw meat..i have to be honest, so that was another hurdle for me. After MUCH research (and believe me, I almost gave up!) I came upon Hare Today and I knew there was hope.

The packaging was perfect for someone like me.. I didn't even have to touch the meat ( I use boneless ground)..just squeeze out of the plastic tubes and mix and portion into jars for feeding.

My food has always arrived frozen and is always top quality. I know that when I order from Hare Today, I am getting the best quality at the best prices! No worries ever! And shipping is so fast!!

Thank you to Tracy and Hare Today for making it super easy for me to give my sweet boy the healthiest, happiest life I could!!


By Site on July 23, 2015

I have been feeding raw grinds to my 4 cats, after a serious health issue with one of my cats made me scrutinize everything that I was feeding previously.

I found Hare Today and thought that this is exactly what I was looking for... a good variety of quality meats, and a simple solution for making my own raw recipes.

I can't say enough good things about the change in my cats' health and energy level since feeding them Hare-today meats.

Their coats are so soft, and their body weights are perfect. One of my cats had bowel issues previously, but that resolved itself on the raw diet.

I love the fact that there are so many different products to try, especially when you have picky cats, there is bound to be something that they enjoy.

Thank you, Hare-today, for offering these quality meats!

Diva with Quail

By Site on July 23, 2015

This is DivaRae, a female Siamese mix adopted from Animal Control. She was born in Anchorage, AK, December 7, 1994. In July 2005, my vet at the time (strictly traditional medicine) diagnosed her with renal failure, put her on Science DietKD and told me she had 6 months to live. I took her to a new vet for a second opinion, one who was board certified in NUTRITION, TCM, chiropractic, and acupuncture.

We transitioned Diva to raw food, beginning with rabbit from Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow. She took to it immediately. Her BUN, creatnine and phosphorus levels all normalized within a year.

Diva lived to be 20 years old. I lost her to complications from a fused spine and bladder cancer, NOT to renal failure.

Diva pictured channeling her inner carnivore with a whole dressed quail.

If a dog's prayers were answered,

bones would rain from the sky.

- Turkish proverb