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Whole Atlantic Herring, 2 lbs.


Product SKU:HT-020083
Shipping Weight:2.00 lbs
Current Inventory:34

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Product Details

• Whole Atlantic herring.
• Wild caught, product of the USA.

Product Weight, Packaging, and Processing Details

• 2 lbs. per bag.
• Packaged in a vacuum sealed bag.
• Frozen in commercial freezers maintained at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

Nutrition and Benefits

• Herring is an oily fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acid.
• Good source of vitamin D.

Helpful Tips and Reminders

• Whole fish can be fed with both ruminants and poultry.
• Feed 1 ounce of fish for every pound of ruminant and 4 ounce for every pound of poultry, if fish oil is not already supplemented in the diet.

Our mission includes advocating for optimal health and safe handling of raw materials. Make sure to use safe handling practices and reference our Raw Food Education pages.

Crude Protein (min): 18% Crude Fat (min): 9% Crude Fiber (max): 0% Moisture (max): 72% http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/finfish-and-shellfish-products/4065/2

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    Sardines are a hit!

By Tanya on December 31, 2024

Both of my dogs LOVE the sardines! They get so excited. Helps with the quality of their coats too! Everyone remarks at their soft fur. Will continue to buy these!

    great whole sardine

By Xinxin on January 23, 2023

Very fresh whole sardine! My dog always loves it.

    Good Fish, But Not My Picky Cats' Thing!

By Alivia on September 23, 2022

I got both the sardines and Atlantic herring, and my two cats at first would eat some of it, if seeming a bit unsure of the whole thing... I really hoped they'd warm up to it like they have with some other proteins, but unfortunately, it seems fish is more like sea beef to them, in that it just isn't their type of thing! I suppose it makes sense, seeing as I avoided feeding any fish when they were kittens, given the high mercury content in commercial cat food brands, so they simply never acquired a taste for it.

Still, I'm sure Hare Today's fish is much better in terms of nutrition, hence why I was even willing to try it out. For now, I'll stick to mixing in fish oil via supplement, but if I ever get another pet, I'll definitely try out the fish again!

    So good, I want to eat them!

By Lindsey on November 29, 2021

Great quality sardines that sometimes find their way into my pets' bowls and other times find their way seasoned and into the oven.

    My dog LOVES this!

By Elisabeth on January 29, 2021

I have a 10 month old puppy who is now obsessed with the whole fish. I feel comfortable giving them to him as I fully trust Hare Today and the quality of their food. He now looks forward to eating his fish!!

    Cats loves them!!!

By Dara on July 24, 2020

I have 3 cats, Samoa loves these fish raw and will growl if the other cats come near him while he is eating the herring. Sicily and Sardinia will not eat them raw (i don't know why). So I filet them and dehydrate them and all 3 cats go crazy for these herring! this is a great product and I am a repeat customer. Its good to remember these fish have a slight odor because they are cold water fish and full of good omega oils. If you never handled fish like this before wear gloves and know its going to smell a little. Also if you decide to dehydrate them, do so in a room where you can leave a window open or in the garage (it will smell a little bit). The same goes for the sardines but they have a stronger smell.

    quality fish

By Anessa on April 16, 2019

These are great, only thing is I find them difficult to cut up into smaller pieces and my one dog won't eat them whole. The bag I just opened, all of the fish were around 10inches long! HUGE!.

    Stinky good stuff

By Amy on March 11, 2019

My 3 love these stinky fish. These fish are a good size for my german shepherd and I cut them up in smaller pieces for my 2 yorkies.They get excited when they smell them in their bowls. Great product, arrived well packaged and still frozen. I will definitely be ordering again.

    Slimy yet....Satisfying

By Megan on June 21, 2018

We defrost a whole package of these and give one to the cat at meal time and supplement the dogs meals with them. My cat eagerly eats it, but leaves the bones (with the meat expertly picked away). This is the only protein she does it with. Otherwise it seems like the gang loves them!

    Loved them

By Luis on June 16, 2018

These are nice size sardines. First time my girl tried them and she loved it. Will get more in future.

    Wow these are big

By Sandra on May 14, 2018

These are a really decent size. My cats had zero interest but that doesn’t mean it should get a bad review. They were packaged nicely, appeared fresh as always and were a good deal.

    My dog LOVES these

By Aleksandra on May 2, 2018

My german shepherd loves both the sardines and the herrings! She gets so excited when I pull them out of the freezer. I will definitely be purchasing more!

    New Kitten Loves Her Fishsicles

By Alexander on April 27, 2018

My teenage kitten Tulip loves the fish! After having an icy sardine head for breakfast, she was happy to laze about in a post-raw stupor. I feel like both Tulip and I got our money's worth.

    Whole Sardines

By Gina on March 20, 2018

Very large and clean looking sardines. They were a bit difficult to separate as they were solidly frozen together. Unfortunately my cat was not as impressed as I was. I'll offer them mixed with something next time.

    Dogs Love it!

By Larissa on March 8, 2018

I've purchased the herring and the sardines. The dogs love both and I find it's high quality and it's a main staple in my dogs' diet.

    Almost everyone loves them!

By Lesa on November 22, 2017

My dog loves the sardines. When I cut some up for my cats, I’ll throw her the head and tail. Then I just end up giving her a whole one. I have put a whole fish each in front of my cats and two of them ate half, the other I’m still working on.
Love buying these fish!

    My crew loves them.

By Rosemarie on September 8, 2017

Have switched from supplementing with fish oil to using whole sardines. I was so very pleased with my first order from Hare Today, especially the sardines. They are huge, weighing 7-10 ounces each, came frozen rock solid. Our 3 dogs love them. This will be a staple on my bi-weekly order.

    Whole Sardines

By Esther on August 30, 2017

I always mixed ground sardine in with my dog's main proteins, but I thought I'd give her a whole sardine to see how that would pan out. I love to watch my dog try new products from HT. She has loved everything I have ever given her, and the whole sardines were no exception.
She ate the head, the tail and everything in between. She's delighted! I'm a happy mom.

    Dogs love the fishies!

By Sarah on May 8, 2017

I really like to incorporate real, raw fish (rather than fish oil) several times a week; these herrings are wonderful. My dogs adore anything fishy so these are a real treat. The bag I received ranged in size from 3-5 ounce fish. My little pup gets the smaller ones and my lab gets the bigger ones whole. I will be keeping these on order and stocked in our freezer!

    Chihuahua approves!

By Jillian on April 20, 2017

My chihuahua loves these! I cut them in half and feed her half at a time. They are very smelly, but I guess that is expected! She chomps them down, eyeballs and all.


By Lynn on April 8, 2017

My cats love sardines and it's really fun to watch th e m tuck into their sardines. It's also a great way to provide them with Omega 3s. I give them one per week.


By donna on March 26, 2017

These Sardines are huge and a big hit with the fur kids!!!

    Young pup loves!

By Kelly on December 19, 2016

My 10 month old took to these with no problem! Love these to help keep the bowels moving! He gets these 3-4 times per week.


By Kelly on November 27, 2016

I love the herring for my dogs. Easy to pull right out of the freezer and feed on a hot summer day. Jersey has always liked them best frozen, so she's getting a good teeth cleaning each day, too. She gets half a fish every evening which fulfills her omega needs. Love these!


By Marta on November 17, 2016

I got great sized fish perfect for my small dog. The sardines even had its scales taken off witch was a HUGE plus for me! They were clean and very well packaged . Great price for great fish ! Thank you !

    Very Fresh, Kittens Loved It

By Plamena on October 10, 2016

I bought the herring for my kittens. For the first introduction, I chopped up about 1/10 of the fish into small morsels and hand-fed it to them. They loved it, bones and all! They quickly finished the portion and after I prepared another they didn't even need coaxing by hand-feeding, they went straight for the chunks from the bowl.

The fish are fresh, large (about as long/thick as my forearm, although I'm sure they vary in size), and great quality as usual. I defrost the package just enough to be able to separate the fish and package them separately, so that I can then thaw out a small portion each time the kittens get a fish treat. Great product!

    Fresh and big

By Xenia on September 16, 2016

These sardines are a nice size (much bigger than I thought as I was only used to feeding anchovies). They look "freshly frozen" and are a great buy for sure. I find the quality to be very high.

    Much better alternative to canned!

By Susan on August 27, 2016

Ok, so as a new raw feeder the ick factor of feeding whole fish, head and all was an issue, but the dogs gobbled them right up. Seemed very fresh without much fishy smell. Good safe introduction to having to chew food for my previously kibble fed dogs

    Good enough to roll in!

By Sharla on June 15, 2016

My German Shepherd Dog loves these sardines. The first one I gave her she took to the grass to eat, then decided she needed to roll in the left over smell. Lovely.
I packaged them individually for the freezer to give as an extra treat. Great for her skin and coat.

    Fresh Herring...YUMMY!

By Sandy on May 4, 2016

Boo absolutely LOVES these herring...and what a difference it's made in her coat. She's SO soft...kinda like a big cotton ball! In fact, her groomer told me last week that Boo has one of the best coats she's seen in a dog, and credits it to the fish and the raw food diet from Hare Today!

The fish are a good size and very fresh looking. I have to cut them in half because Boo only gets about 2 oz. per meal. She likes the "head half" best though and seems especially interested in her dinner when that's served up!

    Chase the bowl

By fran on April 25, 2016

My dog LOVES sardines so much, he chases the bowl around the house when he gets sardines.. I have to say that it is his favorite meal..
From the moment he realizes it is a "sardine " day.. the whining starts.. the bowl can't get onto the ground fast enough..

    Dogs love

By Erin on March 22, 2016

Nice sized herrings, which take 2-3 minutes to crunch through. Sometimes there are a couple smaller fish in there, which is fine since my dogs don't try and gulp things. We shared some herring with a "dog friend" and he loved them as well... this dog was new to raw and he did fine eating his couple of herrings.

    Love love love

By Lily on March 20, 2016

Can't say enough about them. She loves them and will eat them whole. Great buy and a great product.

    Love Them!

By Christina on March 8, 2016

These are fantastic! I had no idea just how big sardines actually are! I'm so used to seeing those little things in the can at the supermarket. These are HUGE in comparison. Probably a good 5-6" long by 2" or so wide! A great value and great quality product to get those omega 3's in my dog and cat's diet!

    My Dogs absolutely LOVE this stuff

By Brad on February 23, 2016

I have an Olde English Buldogge and a Boerboel. Both have been raw fed Hare Today since they were 8 weeks old. They both love this product and the quality shows in their coats as well as their health.

    Must Have!!

By Alex on February 16, 2016

I wish these were available more often because my four dogs and my cat love them! They are an excellent addition to meals for their dose of omegas so that I don't have to add salmon oil out of the pump bottle.


By Alex on February 15, 2016

I started my dogs on smelts to see if they liked the taste of fish before I tried this. They love them. I was giving them smelts every day as a fish oil substitute. The Herring are so much bigger that I am able to give them weekly and that handles their fish oil needs. They look forward to it and love it!!

    Excellent Quality

By Anne on January 14, 2016

I'm not much for writing reviews, but I really thought it was necessary to let other potential buyers know what great quality these whole fish are. They're packed so well, come in a variety of sizes and look incredibly fresh. My dog doesn't generally enjoy whole prey foods but these have completely opened the door for her into whole prey feeding. She thinks they're the best thing ever. Thanks again!

    Everything you s good!

By Yee on December 15, 2015

My dogs loved this fish from head to tail. Everything devoured! Nice size too.

    My dog loves

By Alex on November 30, 2015

I give her a half frozen sardine for a snack to bring outside. She plays with them like a cat with a mouse, it is great! She throws them around and acts like a little goof! The sardines come a flattened (not completely flattened but flattened), which I think is unnecessary, but otherwise they are perfect for adding bone material and healthy fats for my dog. will buy again.


By Kelly on November 12, 2015

Jersey loves these! These are a great way to get some soft bone content in the diet without the teeth having to work too hard. And they "brush" her teeth very well since she likes them frozen...we call them her "fishcicles". Plus an excellent way to get fish oil in the diet. We saw an immediate change in her coat when we added the fish to her diet! We work these in about 2-3x per week, always based on around how much bone content she's gotten in the week. Helps soften up the stools if she starts to struggle. We pair these up with the ground beef/tripe/bones/organs.

    Awesome whole item for both raw fed cat and dachshund home

By Dianne on September 30, 2015

We find all but one of our 8 dachshunds and our 1 raw fed man loved these! They are great for coats as a natural omega supplement. They are HUGE!


By Susan on July 15, 2015

I love how my dogs, all four of them, love your sardines! They really love them partially frozen and crunchy. I am so happy feeding these sardines as they are good size and provide natural oils, vitamins and protein so necessary for vascular health...including the heart.


By Casey on April 10, 2014

The first time I ordered these I loved them. Each fish was between 1 and 2 ounces, a perfect meal for my two Chihuahuas. The second time I ordered these I was not happy. Each fish was between 8 and 15 ounces, I've never seen a sardine that large. In each of the bags many of the fish were missing parts and there were a lot of random extra parts included, which I had to throw away. I was expecting whole regular sized sardines since that's was what I ordered and that's what I received last time. Since my dogs are small and are on a whole prey diet these will defiantly not work for me. It looks like I will be wasting about 6 pounds of fish. I'm not sure if I will order these again.

RESPONSE: Sardines will vary in size. They can range from a couple ounces to 1 lb. You can cut the fish in 1/2 or even quarters with a sharp knife or poultry shears. What you do not use in a day or so refreeze. Feeding whole prey does not mean you have to feed the whole animal at every meal. You are achieving your balance over time.


By Dorothy on February 27, 2014

Another first ordering whole sardines. I have purchased sardines in a can many times. My two Scottie's absolutely loves the whole fish. Very pleased and will make these part of my monthly order.


By Lindsey on February 11, 2014

My dogs absolutely loved it! :)


By Jill on November 17, 2013

I originally got these for my cat whole loves the canned sardines. But she wouldn't eat these. My dogs however loved them. Even the one that didn't care so much for the whole herring.


By Jill on November 17, 2013

I love whole prey foods, and fish are the perfect size. One of my dogs loves these enough to eat them every day the other prefers red meat but will still eat this once a week.


By Joseph on April 17, 2013

This is a great product. Rich in omegas, Keeps my Finnish Spitz's coat healthy for the show ring. Very good price also.


By Jennifer on March 15, 2013

So I opened the frozen bag of sardines to feed to my Leonbergers Rex and Brice. They loved the herring so I knew they'd like the sardines. Because my dogs are so big, I feed these frozen as treats after dinner a couple times a week (I alternate this with the ground frozen tripe) - I guess it's like dessert! As I suspected, they love them. Definitely recommend them - high in Omega 3s - so good for them.


By Gail on March 8, 2013

My Havanese loves these whole Atlantic Herring. I separate and freeze them for ease and Ronen loves these! I do feed these outside because as they defrost they can be a bit stinky, but so worth it! Ronen's coat is SO soft and silky since I've been feeding him raw fish. Great product!


By Jennifer on March 6, 2013

So my two leonbergers have had sardines and salmon before but I wanted to try the herring. My boys like most of their food frozen, so I thought this would be great to feed (outside because it's a little stinky) for their weekend treat. They both loved it and I will definitely get more. The only slight disappointment was that the 2lb package included 6 chunks of herring. I was hoping that the fish would actually be whole - an entire herring. If the fish were actually whole and I feed them frozen, my boys would take a bit longer to eat them. Nonetheless, they love this fish and I recommend it as it is so high in Omega 3, which is a natural anti inflammatory.


By elizabeth on February 22, 2013

My dog absolutely loved these. He is a 65 border collie/aussie mix, so I will be giving as a snack after a good training session or mixed with his other meals. I did not know how he would do, but I opened the bag to separate into two 1 lb bags, and when I turned around he was right there, salivating. I gave him one still frozen and he even did his Aussie dance! I will be ordering again!!!!


By Emily on January 18, 2013

I dehydrated some of these for my dogs (none of whom eat fish, period, they won't do it) and they SCARFED these up. They didn't just eat them, they enjoyed them! Hare-Today takes the cake again! Wonderful product, clean and easy!


By Angela on November 3, 2012

My dogs love these! I feed them straight out of the freezer, to slow them down a little.
My dogs weigh about 13 lbs. each, and these fish are about 6" long, so one fish makes a whole meal.

Here's a link to a video of my dog Goatie chowing down on one:
Even frozen, I have to hold them for Goatie to force him to chew a little, otherwise he would just swallow them whole! :)


By Candice on September 26, 2012

Perfect supplement to my dog's diet, and he absolutely loves them! Great product at a reasonable price.


By Emily on September 23, 2012

I am so pleased with my whole order from Hare-Today!
I will say these were much bigger than I imagined. I figured they would be tiny little things, but really they were about the same size as the Herring I also ordered. Not a bad thing at all, but useful to know! :)


By Penny on May 27, 2012

I was feeding my dog canned sardines for his Omega 3s but canning affects the end product so I decided to look for whole sardines. After looking around on Hare today I decided to switch things up a bit and try herring instead. My dog loves them; he'll go back,lick his bowl and look for more. This is a quality product that I will definitely order again.