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Displaying 561-570 of 588 results

Bani's Boxes

By Linda on December 10, 2015

This is my Bani, sitting in her Hare-Today box. One of the many benefits she received from her Hare-Today diet was a new box with every shipment.

She had cancer, and it made it hard for her to digest her food and absorb the nutrients. But once we found Hare-Today and started her on raw food she had a much better quality of life, and was able to enjoy eating and feeling like a regular cat until just a week or so before she passed away.

Thank you for helping us make the most of the time she had left.

We love our raw!

By Christina on December 9, 2015

I started fostering two senior Sphynxes in September, who I affectionately refer to as "the grannies."

When Cleo and Lottie came to me, they were in very rough shape. Cleo was 9 years old, had no teeth, had goop pouring constantly from her eyes and nose, and every time she ate she spray painted my walls with diarrhea (I apologize for the graphic mental picture, but I promise it really *was* that bad!).

Lottie (10 years old) was in even worse shape. She was covered in pre-cancerous lesions and had 3 large open tumors on her side which she constantly licked, and she also had the chronic cold symptoms and diarrhea that her sister suffered from.

Both girls were severely underweight and malnourished. They were fed Purina seafood kibble in their previous home.

Through a very long and slow process, I transitioned them first to cheap canned food, then high quality canned food, and finally to raw. The benefits were immediate.

For the first time ever, there were formed stools in the boxes!

The grannies have been treated for their colds and Lottie had surgery to remove her cancer (she's now cancer-free!), and she is undergoing treatment for her precancerous lesions and I've been told she is more likely to die of old age than skin cancer, which is awesome news.

Cleo and Lottie are both at a healthy weight, and the vet is very impressed at how healthy they are compared to how they were only a few short months ago.

I attribute it to their raw food diet. Now they only need a forever home to complete their happy ending!

Thank you Hare Today!

The Very Best Feeling

By Angela on December 8, 2015

Luke is the second dog/Golden Retriever I have been blessed to have as a companion. My first dog, Max was fed a kibble diet. Max passed away at age 9 from cancer. After his death, I went pretty much bonkers from grief and in my insane state, started really looking into feeding raw.

I knew that if I was going to open my heart to another dog, I wanted to make sure I did everything right so that if my dog got sick, I wouldn't blame myself.

We were blessed to find a wonderful breeder and on Dec 3, 2005 our Lucas was born. We celebrated his 10th birthday this past week.

Luke is healthy and happy and energetic and I attribute this to his diet. Luke was originally on Bravo food, but once I found Hare-Today through Bonnie Day, I immediately switched over.

The food is so fresh (I buy ground meat/bone/organ meat), easy to handle and Luke loves it.

Tracy is amazing to deal with, orders are always exact, packed and shipped perfectly and arrive with no fuss. It's all so simple and my Luke is one of the healthiest 10 year old Goldens I have every seen.

It is the best feeling in the world to look at your aging dog and see a puppy with a little grey around the face.

Thank you Hare Today!

Feeding Raw from Hare Today has changed our lives!!!!!

By caryn on December 7, 2015

Our male cat "Biscuit" was on steroids and antibiotics NON-STOP for chronic diarrhea (vet diagnosed "Inflammatory Bowel Disease") .... I knew after a year or so of giving this medication to my cat that I HAD to find alternative answers on my own!

I started to research and found Anne's AWESOME website www.catnutrtion.org and that's what led me to Hare Today!! That was YEARS AGO!!!

I THANK GOD for Hare Today... Within ONE DAY of eating Anne's raw meat diet recipe with Hare Today's raw meat, my cat had SOLID STOOL!!!!! NO MORE DIARRHEA SINCE!!!! It was a MIRACLE to me!!!!!! If your cat has chronic diarrhea and you've tried EVERY PET FOOD known to man with no improvement (as I have!!) .... TRY HARE TODAY.... You will not believe the benefits and the difference in
Your cat when you feed them what they are SUPPOSED TO BE EATING!!

My cat is a healthy boy now with a shiny coat and NO DIARRHEA since starting a ground raw meat diet!!!! THANK YOU HARE TODAY!!!! PLEASE don't ever go away!!!!!!

P.S. Please make sure you add the proper supplements to your cat's ground raw meat, raw bones, and raw organs recipe .... You CANNOT just feed your cat ground raw muscle meat only... THIS COULD KILL YOUR CAT!!!!

Great selection and service

By Jacquelyn on December 7, 2015

I have ordered several times form Hare Today Gone Tomorrow.

They have a great selection of hard to find items and the service is top notch!

I tell people about this site all the time. Highly recommended!
Jacquelyn W

Raw = Healthy Animals

By Taren on December 5, 2015

I have been feeding my 5 Chihuahuas raw food and raw bones for a few months now and they LOVE it!

Their coats are shiny and soft and they are healthier than ever.

The changed in food happened because my dog was diagnosed with IMHA and a lot of changes had to happen and changing to a raw diet when he went into remission was one change.

I don't regret it and wish I did this years ago but its never too late!
My dogs are so healthy now! Its not cheap but well worth healthy dogs!!!! :)

Five Ridgebacks Can't Be Wrong!

By Trish on December 4, 2015

I started feeding raw several years ago to address allergy issues my senior Rhodesian Ridgeback suffered from. It was difficult to maintain due to lack of variety and inventory in my area, so I was delighted when a friend recommended Hare Today for our raw food needs. Problems solved and I have been a loyal customer since January, 2014! Three purebred and two RR mixes all agree Hare Today deliveries are like Christmas, and they can’t wait to help open the packages.

The ground meat/organs/bone items work great in many of our food puzzles, and while I wish the fish could stay in the bowl while being eaten, it guarantees regular mopping of the kitchen floor!

During vet visits, I am always complimented on the quality of coats, skin, clear ears and eyes, and outstanding overall health of each of my dogs. I can’t help but believe a quality raw diet has been instrumental to these great results!

Outstanding customer service, great variety and a consistent level of high quality products will keep us coming back for more and recommending Hare Today to our family and friends!

Thank you Tracy!

Trish, on behalf of Sasha, Royal, Axel, Layla and Zuko!

Smelly Cat, What were they feeding you?

By Genevieve on November 11, 2015

10 months ago we adopted (and renamed him to) Awesomer after a quick meeting at an adoption show.

He made himself right at home in our house and used his litter box immediately and consistently. The only problem was that when he did, it STUNK!

Being a first time cat owner I read everything I could about feline health and behavior. Jackson Galaxy lead me to feline-nutrition.org and that led me to hare-today.com.

Following the directions from feline-nutrion.org I switched him to a grain free canned food, then started making his meals myself using their recipe and the 5lb chubs of ground meat/bones/organs from a variety of animals.

Almost instantly his poos became dry and odor free. His soft fur became even more so and he smells like clean baby all the time

I also treat him to a whole piece of something with the bone in every day to help him work his jaw and clean his teeth.

Here he is enjoying a rabbit head!
Raw Food is truly Awesome.

Love and Trust Hare Today

By Debbie on November 7, 2015

I took the leap 3 yrs ago for my dogs into a raw diet. I have been buying from Hare Today the entire time.

I not only trust them 100% but find they care about our pets. And the new website layout is wonderful too.
I will never buy from anyone else my dog foods.

Thank you for caring for my pack of 5. They are thriving!!


By Dee on November 7, 2015

HareToday-GoneTomorrow brings customer service to a new level.

I get immediate acknowledgement when I place my orders, notice of shipment date, as well as, the FedEx shipping information.

My orders arrive when promised and always in perfect condition.

Zeus and Pandora meow loudly when it is "bunny time".

I wish I had known about about the medical benefits of a raw diet 5 years ago. Due to a case of gingivitis, Pandora lost one of her lower canine teeth. Feeding my babies HTGT's ground rabbit meat/organs/bones is keeping their teeth clean. They get an A+ when I take them for their annual wellness exam.

Our thanks to Tracy and her family for all they do to keep our furry kids well and very happy!!

Dee, David, Zeus, and Pandora
November 7,2015