Elk Heart, 2 lbs.
Product SKU: | HT-020092 |
Shipping Weight: | 2.00 lbs |
Current Inventory: | 48 |
Product Details
• Raw elk heart, which does contain fat on outer pieces.
• All natural, hormone and antibiotic free elk.
Product Weight, Packaging, and Processing Details
• 2 lbs. per bag.
• Packaged in a vacuum sealed bag.
• Cut into approximate 2” x 2” x 2” cubes and/or strips.
• Frozen in commercial freezers maintained at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
Meat/Bone/Organ Ratio
100% Meat / 0% Bone / 0% Organ
Nutrition and Benefits
• This food is a good source of Protein, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, and Copper, and a very good source of Taurine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Iron and Selenium.
• Taurine is found in most animal proteins, but the highest concentration is in the brain and heart. Taurine supports brain, eye, and heart function, and helps regulate the immune system.
• Cooking and processing food will reduce the taurine content.
• A large amount of threonine can also be found in the heart, which controls protein and enzyme activity, helping to maintain proper balance of proteins in the body.
Helpful Tips and Reminders
🐶 Most dogs favor red meat best so this product typically works well with dogs of all sizes.
😺 Some cats will eat red meats, but others simply will not tolerate it. If you chose this product for your cat, start with a small amount, and introduce slowly.
➡️ Cats cannot produce taurine, like Dogs can. This means that taurine is essential for felines and taurine needs added in the diet as the body cannot manufacture taurine.
• Heart can be added to high bone content foods to decrease the bone ratio.
Our mission includes advocating for optimal health and safe handling of raw materials. Make sure to use safe handling practices and reference our Raw Food Education pages.
Feline Recipe: Boneless Elk
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