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Chicks, 25 per bag


Product SKU:HT-020029
Shipping Weight:2.00 lbs
Current Inventory:40

Product Details

• Whole chicks, includes down, humanely euthanized with Co2.
• Newly hatched chicks range from 1-3 days of age.
• Processed at a USDA inspected and passed facility.

Product Weight, Packaging, and Processing Details

• 25 per bag.
• Weight 25-50 grams each.
• Height 3-4".
• Packaged in a vacuum sealed bag.
• Frozen in commercial freezers maintained at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

Nutrition and Benefits

• This food is low in Sodium. It is also a good source of Niacin, and a very good source of Protein.
• Given this product is whole, your pet will have the added benefit of insoluble fiber added to the diet.

Helpful Tips and Reminders

😺 Cats typically do well with poultry.
🐶 Dogs prefer red meats, but poultry is good for rotation.
• A natural whole prey food source for cats, ferrets, snakes, lizards and predatory birds.
• Whole carcass fiber has shown to be beneficial in diets, but high fiber may lead to lower amounts of pancreatic enzymes. Whole carcass products should be fed with a balance of dressed proteins.

Our mission includes advocating for optimal health and safe handling of raw materials. Make sure to use safe handling practices and reference our Raw Food Education page.
Warning: Poultry may contain Salmonella

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    My Two Young Cats Love These !!!

By Asmaa on January 23, 2025

I cut them up for them and prep them in containers in the fridge. My one cat will not even care for wet food anymore and the other needs it mixed in for now. It's a great buy and you can see how happy they get while eating. We had to have separate enclosed feeding areas for both cats so they don't drag it out. And I have to sanitize after with a homemade disinfectant, however, it's an investment into their long-term health. They have stopped farting since we switched them over, and they are happy and stimulated during meal times.

    My Singapora loves these

By Alison on March 11, 2024

He likes them a little more defrosted, but today he got up onto the counter and took the chick out of the bowl.
Next it’s on the bed with me. Not ideal, but he does love them.

    Lucy loving "half-plucked" whole chicks

By Kristine on November 13, 2023

The whole chicks are the second whole prey item I've fed Lucy (first was adult mouse, huge success).

Her heart was into eating it whole but the feathers caused her to cough, so I serve the chicks whole & half-plucked - problem solved! The ideal balanced afternoon snack.

    My Cats' Absolute Favorite!

By Alivia on September 23, 2022

Both my cats have always gone absolutely nuts over these chicks in the 4 years I've been blessed to own them! They have to be their absolute favorite thing from Hare Today, especially for my bigger, more food motivated girl—growling and constantly trying to steal it from the bowl—it gets almost scary just how how much she wants them, sometimes... but in the best way, of course!

I like to cut them open to discard the foul-smelling urine sack, and sometimes stomach, inside, because my cats have gotten a little sick before I started cleaning them. But this product's still totally worth it regardless, I just wish they could be a little less expensive somehow (quality over quantity is always preferable though) just so I could buy a whole bunch of them every time!

    Gorgeous product perfectly packed

By Lindsey on November 29, 2021

I was so impressed by the bag of chicks -- they are all healthy and whole, and were frozen in a flat sheet instead of a big clump, so they're easy to pry apart and defrost one at a time. Cat loves to play with them and chew on them all morning, and puppy eats leftovers with no hesitation.

    Great for random feed

By chenkun on March 11, 2021

Cats spend decent amount of time on it. Very enjoyable and juicy

    Cat approves!

By Sarah on January 2, 2021

We have been feeding a stray cat (who now permanently resides on our front porch) and he absolutely adores these chicks! I try to keep whole prey chicks and mice stocked for him, since he is an outdoor cat he is used to eating whole prey anyway. These are clean and fresh each time I’ve ordered.

    I feed these to my pup!

By Danyelle on November 20, 2020

She LOVES them they're gone in one second flat. I'm honestly not even sure she tastes them

    my cats go nuts for these chicks!

By Dara on November 15, 2020

The chicks are so fresh (no odor at all). My cats come running when they see the bag. They play with them and run around the kitchen with them before they settle down to eat the chicks, then they beg for more. Definitely a crowd pleaser!

    Quality product

By Bryn on July 11, 2020

You can tell these are some quality chicks! The ferrets adore them.

    give it a try

By Susan on August 4, 2019

The first time I fed Sammy Cat a baby chick he didn't know what to do with it.
So I sacrificed the enzymatic etc values and dipped it in boiling water so I could skin it. Then he devoured it! The second time I put a baby chick (unskinned) in his dish he was a little hesitant about the wings, so I cut them off. He mouthed it a few times then crunch crunch and down it went. These are bigger than the baby quail, which Sammy loves. Since most of our cats don't raid barnyards or chicken coops it might help to make it easy and try skinning it first. Also I wash it 3 times in very warm water before I give it to him.So nice to have access to such clean, high quality, humanely processed whole prey.Thank you!

    My cats goes nuts over these chicks!

By Amy on February 24, 2019

I love seeing my cats go nuts over these chicks. they become wild cats when these are around. They bat them around, throw them in the air, and bite them as if killing them for at least 10 minutes. Then the growling begins and they carry their "killed" chick to a quiet corner and devour it. All the while growling and crunching away on natural prey. They come running now when I say "chicky chicky chick chick kitties!!" It makes me so happy that they are eating what nature intended them to eat and having so much fun doing it. They never play with their kibble for 10 minutes before eating it!