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November 2021 Newsletter

Sent on November 23, 2021

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” — Edith Sitwell


I hope this newsletter finds each of you well and WOW how the time has passed since our last newsletter. We have a lot of topics to cover including updates on our Nutritional Analysis, Shipping Updates and Shipping Protection, recently posted 2022 Holiday Shipping Schedule, and our Customer Appreciation coupon code to HELP YOU SAVE!


Nutritional Analysis

As you may remember, last November in 2020 we started our partnership with ADF (Animal Diet Formulator), presented by Royal Animal Health University. Through this partnership and resource, we have been actively creating nutritional analysis recipes and adding those to our website for your reference. Our recipes, within our product description, more info tab, can be beneficial for balancing your raw diets as our products are listed for supplemental feeding (more information here).

Many of our recipes are standard, single ingredient items, where data can be sourced from the USDA food database. For our ground products, with multi-ingredients, we have also formulated nutritional analysis based on our product’s exact composition. For some ingredients though, nutritional data is not available within the USDA food database. These may include non-human eligible and more exotic items. 

Nutritional analysis for minerals, vitamins, fats, and amino acids is not required for pet food manufacturers and comes at a substantial cost, especially for our small family business. From our list of products without nutritional data available, I prioritized those based on YOUR FAVORITE HARE TODAY PRODUCTS.

With that, I am excited to mention that we have completed product specific nutritional analysis, through EuroFins, for the following products:

Is Mouse really mother nature’s ideal food for cats? Make sure to check them out!


Shipping Updates and Shipping Protection

Shipping has become more and more difficult over the last six (6) to nine (9) months given the challenges with the pandemic. Throughout the pandemic and even more recently, shipping rates have fallen to all-time lows. With shipping failures increasing tenfold, I have made tough decisions with the best interest of our customers and keeping in mind that the animals lives that go into our products are so important as well.

One difficult decision we implemented at the end of August 2021 was only allowing a 2-day transit, or less for Arizona, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin. Given the colder temps across the country, 3-day transit for all states have been opened back up. Also, keep your eyes open for our 4-day ground, coming soon which benefits many of our West-Coast customers (most likely in December)!

FedEx versus UPS

Starting on November 29th, we will be utilizing UPS ground rather than FedEx ground. I decided to try UPS ground as I have been testing the waters with them, using their UPS Air, and they have been delivering 98% on time for us. Whereas, FedEx has dropped as low as 50%. This low success rate for FedEx can be detrimental to our small business and the loss of animals' lives that go into my products is something I take very seriously as a result of failed deliveries.

With the change from FedEx to UPS, many of our customers should see shipping price decreases as UPS has offered us very competitive rates. There are a few areas, however, where UPS has more difficulties delivering to. With more difficulties, typically comes with higher rates, so if you see substantial increases, please reach out to me so I can continue to actively review this change from FedEx to UPS ground. Also, please review our Shipping Information page for updated transit maps for both UPS and FedEx.

Shipping Protection (effective 10/04/21)

Have you noticed that we now offer shipping protection during checkout?

Shipping Protection covers damage, loss, and theft. We strive for 100% customer satisfaction and would never leave a customer with perished goods but do ask for partnership with our customers. With partnership, we ask for open communication if you experience any delays, exceptions, delivery failures, etc.

With seasonal shipping peaks, during the heat of the summer, and when on-time delivery percentages fall, shipping can become a huge liability and hardship, so instead of increasing product costs, the shipping protection option was added to help offset customer refunds due to shipping carriers’ damages and failures which come 100% out of pocket for our business currently. (Read more here)

2022 Holiday Shipping

First, don’t forget that there will be no shipping Monday, December 20, 2021 through the new year. The last shipping day prior to Christmas 2021 is Tuesday, December 14th and we will resume shipping on Monday, January 3, 2022.  

Each year at this time, products may be more limited as this is our lowest inventory point of the year.  During the weeks before Christmas and the new year we complete our year-end inventory counts and also a full facility clean and sanitation.​ Our team will still be hard at work processing and restocking our products during this time, and we hold our annual Standard Operating Procedure and Good Manufacturer trainings.

Our 2022 Holiday Shipping schedule is now updated on our Shipping Information page, make sure to mark your calendars!


Customer Appreciation

We truly have the best customers and I wanted to say thank you for trusting and sharing your pets and families with us. Your support means more than I could ever put into words. 

Even through the most challenging of times, I hope that our core values: integrity, trust, commitment, consistency, reliability, and competence are more evident and transparent then ever.

Difficulties with supply and demand has shown to be prevelant in the recent months which has affected our consistency. This is an area I will continue to focus on and hope to surpass your expections in the coming days, weeks, and months.

We appreciate your patience and understanding so much! Thank you!

Coupon Code

Use this coupon code to get 10% off your order, $150 or more.

Coupon Code: Givethanks

Valid: now - December 10, 2021

*Coupon codes must be applied during checkout only. Please do not email about coupon codes not applied at checkout, no credit will be given after order.


As always, if you ever have a question, please let me know and I am happy to help!

Wishing you a safe, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving. From our family to ours!

Ashlee Luke



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