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Green Tripe with Spleen (beef) Strips, 3 lbs.


Product SKU:HT-020041
Shipping Weight:3.00 lbs
Current Inventory:49

Product Details

• Raw beef green tripe and spleen cubes/strips. The spleen is attached to the stomach and may also be included.
• All natural, hormone and antibiotic free beef.
• Locally sourced.

Product Weight, Packaging, and Processing Details

• 3 lbs. per bag.
• Packaged in a vacuum sealed bag.
• Cut into approximate 4” x 2” x 2” cubes and/or strips.
• Frozen in commercial freezers maintained at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

Meat/Bone/Organ Ratio

99% Meat / 0% Bone / 1% Organ

Nutrition and Benefits

• This food is a good source of Protein and Zinc, and a very good source of Vitamin B12 and Selenium.
• Feeding tripe can be beneficial in gut health as tripe is the stomach lining of ruminating animals. These animals (i.e., cattle, sheep, goats, etc.) are classified as being four-footed, hooved, cud chewing mammals with a stomach that consists of four chambers.
• The protein in tripe is composed of balanced amino acids, each in low concentrations.

Helpful Tips and Reminders

• The white tripe that you find in the grocery store has been cleaned, scalded and bleached. It has almost no nutritional value. Green tripe does not necessarily refer to its color. Green refers to not having the tripe cleaned, not bleached and not scalded. Its actual color is tan, brown or black and sometime there will a greenish tint due to the grass or hay the animal ate just before processing.
• For items such as tripe, our demand surpluses our available supply and we sell out on a weekly basis. The best way to get limited items is to order immediately, once you are notified that the product has been added. We process tripe on Thursdays each week, depending on supply availability and enter inventory on the website around 4-4:30 pm EST, first come, first serve.

Our mission includes advocating for optimal health and safe handling of raw materials. Make sure to use safe handling practices and reference our Raw Food Education pages.

Crude Protein (min): 12% Crude Fat (min): 3% Crude Fiber (max): 0% Moisture (max): 85%

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    Really good stuff!

By Ingrid on February 18, 2021

This is a great product! I particularly like that spleen is included for some additional organ variety. I also vastly prefer handling and feeding the strips over ground tripe. Seems to me to be somewhat less stinky, and I can just add a large piece of tripe to my dog's bowl instead of having to thaw, portion, and refreeze a large chub. I almost always feed tripe partially or completely frozen, which greatly minimizes odor as well. All of my dogs over the years have loved this!

    A favorite

By Wanda on April 3, 2020

This is some of the best quality beef green tripe I've seen and eating green tripe improves my dog's skin and teeth.

    A big hit

By Christy on August 19, 2018

My first experience with tripe and you know what? Its not so bad. Just feed it outdoors and your stomach will thank you! I actually like that it comes in cubes, because it made for easy storage in the freezer and the shape gave them something to work on. The dog loves it, of course.

    Great product!

By Larissa on May 1, 2018

My dogs love it. I have tried this ground and in strips and personally think the strips are better. They smell less, are chewy, and I always add this to every order.

    Awesomely bad smell!

By Kasey on June 23, 2017

New to raw feeding and this is the best source of Tripe. Looks very fresh, smells bad when thawed. To avoid the smell portion it when it's sort of frozen. My dogs loved it.

    Best tripe I have been able to find

By Joshua on January 3, 2017

I have been searching for tripe strips instead of mince as the company I used to buy it from no longer carried the strips. This product exceeded expectations and is working out great for my dog.

    A top favorite

By Cristina on October 13, 2016

This green tripe is great quality of smelly goodness! My English Bull Terrier, who is very allergic to beef, handles the tripe fine and does really well on it. Her skin has actually improved since adding the tripe into her ground rabbit meals! I add it to their meals almost daily and also throw some on my dehydrator to make delicious tripe treats! My Chihuahua doesn't seem to handle it well raw, even in small doses, but she seems to do alright with it when it's dehydrated.

    Great quality tripe

By Alexa on May 6, 2016

I'm used to using ground green tripe but decided to try the stips this time. This was some of the best quality tripe I've seen. There was a good amount of fat and tripe and a bit of spleen. It was a bit difficult to cut up and has a very strong barnyard odor but my dog absolutely loves it.

    One of my favorite HT Products!

By Christina on March 8, 2016

Absolutely LOVE this product! Fresh green tripe is very difficult for me to to find locally so this is a great item that is super healthy for the pup to enjoy. It's cut into easily manageable strips which is a super plus! I normally let them thaw enough for me to open them up and cut them into smaller squares that I re-freeze and give as treats/snacks. I did find some leftover grass and corn in one the stomach strips but guess you can't get any fresher than that eh? Lol!

    The best!!!

By donna on February 26, 2016

So easy to cut up and my girls love it!!!!!


By Alex on February 3, 2016

This was my first time ordering whole green tripe strips. Previously, I had only ordered the ground green tripe. The picture for this listing does not do this justice. The picture makes it look dry and thin. When I thawed this out and handled it for meal prep I was amazed at how thick and juicy it is!! Plus my two large breed dogs love it and couldn't care less about the off putting odor.

    Dogs LOVE this

By Sharon on November 29, 2015

I always make sure I include this in my raw order! My dogs love to chew this stinky stuff. It is like doggie dental floss and helps keep their teeth clean. I never thought I would say this, but I am getting used to the smell now. Must have product!


By karen poggi on November 13, 2015

Every meal is an exciting time for my happy well-fed Hare-Today dogs but when it's tripe time they do a bit of extra dancing. It is their absolute favorite. I used to sell (try to talk people out of) processed pet food for 8 years and when a customer came in with problems with older ailing dogs who won't eat (including end-stage situations) and after explaining the benefits and importance of instinctual fasting, tripe was always my go-to. And most of the time dogs ate it. (I got a lot of hugs from my tripe recommendations) needless to say great to add to anything else for sensitive tummy and (the alleged) fussy dogs as well. Nutritious, great for the teeth and belly and affordable. I also feel the strips are easier to thaw and portion than the ground. The strips also smell better than the ground if you care. After prepping, lemon or zucchini are great foods to prep (on a fresh cutting board) to get the residual smell out of your hands. I highly recommend this product.

    Five Woofs For All Five

By Joni on November 7, 2015

Green Tripe has always been a big hit with my 5. At times it can be hard to satisfy everyone but I don't have to worry about this . They all go for it. Love The added Spleen as another benefit of vitamins for the pooches. It gets them chewing and using the sides too. Mine use their paws to hold and grip while they use their teeth. They for sure get enjoyment out of it.


By Jody on February 24, 2015

My dogs LOVE green (unwashed) tripe. I used to get it, still warm, from a local butcher. It smelled SO bad! (I used to joke that it would smell better if you left it out in the sun for a few days!) I'd put a garbage bag over myself like a poncho., take a cleaver, and cut it up out in the barn. That way, the horrible smelling "splashes" didn't stink up my house. Then I'd give each dog a hunk and let them take it somewhere in the yard to eat it. This was great fun for the dogs, but not so much for me. Plus, I'd have to wash them all afterwards, to get the tripe smell off them.
This is SO MUCH EASIER! They get all that that green tripe goodness and the only stink is when I'm dishing it up for them. They would gulp it so fast that I mix it with some Taste of the Wild kibble to add enough bulk to slow them down. Then they like the dishes so much that the stainless steel shines like silver!
THANK YOU for having this product. Green tripe really is a perfect food and I love being able to feed it so easily.


By Lea on October 9, 2014

I tried to give my dog a variety of things to eat. She eats her food as if she is a puppy again. She really seems to enjoy this.she really gets excited with her diet I have her on.


By Susan on April 25, 2014

One of the many favorites in my household. My senior dog loves it and well as my new puppy. Highly recommended.


By Linda on December 5, 2013

My dogs can't get enough of this stuff. They know the minute it comes out of the freezer and whine and cry until I give it to them. This stuff stinks and if you don't have a strong stomach, beware! The strips are neater and easier to deal with so I suggest you start with those. Your pets will thank you!


By Matthew on September 25, 2013

Our little pup loves this stuff! You know it has a smell to it when you can smell if frozen. We have been loading a Kong with it and some yogurt to help with crate training. This keeps him distracted for enough time to make him tired. One awesome thing about ordering this from here is that it is already in strips which makes thawing and prepping very easy. We will definitely buy again.


By Jennifer on June 11, 2013

So my two boys have been loving the ground tripe for some time now so I thought I'd try the strips...it was a hit! As I suspected, they LOVE it. With two giant breed dogs who like to gulp foods they love, I feed this frozen. It slows them down and makes them work a little harder for their food, and it's less messy when they eat in the house. Perfect addition to their diet.


By Brigitte on April 7, 2013

Wow, most awesome

So thankful to find this to try it

My dog boys love it

Last night it thawed out a little and I smell the earthly chloroform

I will continue to order green tripe

Brigitte Brown


By Penny on September 16, 2012

My dog absolutely loves this and not quite as bad as I've been hearing as far as smell goes. You can't beat the quality either. This will definitely become a staple in his diet.


By Lou Ann on April 5, 2012

This stuff is absolutely disguising but my 7 little monsters love it. I just received my order today but they were out of it but
checked this evening & I am ordering more. I do make them eat this outside because I don't want it in the carpet plus I
sort of use it as a special meal for them. It looks to be exactly what they need and want. I don't know why but I would
recommend it to anyone who loves their dogs. I am expecting 2 more tiny poodles later on in the spring so they will learn
to like this also. I have been very happy with all the products I have ordered from Hare Today & very happy with their
service & timely deliveries. I have recommended the raw meaty bone diet to several people & have told them they can
get the dehydrated chicken from them also since we are all afraid of the stuff from China. I will continue to recommend
Hare Today and buying the green tripe for my little loves.


By maryon on March 24, 2012

In my first order I had both ground and strips , and i found it easier to handle the strips. also less odor. i would love to learn some tips on handling the ground just so it is easier for me. the dogs are nuts about both forms.
also want to say that my shipment was in great order when i received it. thank you.


By Linda on January 31, 2012

My dogs LOVE the tripe strips. They think it is their desert and will line up for more! I personally love how this product is frozen in individual blocks and sealed for delivery. Before I was a Hare Today customer, I used to purchase tripe strips all thrown in a plastic bag and frozen in one big lump. This is so much easier!


By Susan on January 25, 2012

My dog loves this tripe. It took her a couple of times before she realized it was food that I was serving. Once she figured it out, she comes running every time I open the bag. I order green tripe with spleen every time I place an order.


By Melissa on January 24, 2012

The variety of tripe that is offered here can't be beat! There are very few companies who offer so many types and sizes.

Our dogs love Hare Today's tripe. The quality of the product has always been top notch.

The strips are great for offering the chewing exercise dogs love.


By Anne on March 9, 2008

I think green tripe is a great addition to a raw diet. Although ground tripe is wonderful, my big dogs (nordic mixes) practically inhale it. These strips of tripe are absolutely the best if you have a big dog! First of all, tripe is about the consistency of a thick rubber doormat -- very chewy -- which gives the big guys a great workout for their neck, shoulder and jaw muscles. Secondly, tripe has a rather pungent odor. Anytime you grind something, you are presenting more surface area which will intensify the smell. I find that the strips of tripe don't release quite as much scent as the ground. Bottom line is that my dogs love green tripe in any form and I find the strips work better for my big dogs (the Italian Greyhounds are quite happy with ground)! I don't know of any other source for tripe strips, so I'm very glad that Tracy offers them. Thanks Tracy! Next step, bulk packaging of tripe strips.


By Michaele on May 23, 2006

My yellow lab LOVES this!!! she goes nuts when i give it to her!!!