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Bio-Inappropriate: The Dangers of Dry Cat FoodFeline Diabetes: The Influence of DietFeline Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Nature and TreatmentFeline Hyperthyroidism: What You Need to KnowA Diet for Your Cat's Urinary and Kidney HealthConstipation: Real Help for Your CatPhosphorus Can Be Key for Cat KidneysWater, Water and Water Battles CrystalsFeline Cystitis and Bladder/Kidney StonesHigh Blood Pressure: Yes, Your Cat Can Get It, TooNutrition is Vital When Treating Feline LeukemiaFeline Pancreatitis: Signs of TroubleAnother Furball? It Might Be Feline AsthmaOpen Wide: The Basics of Kitty DentalsCat Scratch Fever: How It Affects CatsDiet and Your Cat's Cancer RiskChunks and Bones For Your Cat's TeethA Cat's Food Allergies and Intolerances ExplainedHow Toxoplasmosis Affects CatsAvoiding Hepatic Lipidosis in Your CatHow Raw Food for Cats Affects Blood Test ResultsGet Kitty Exercising to Trim DownSalmonella: The Chicken or the EggSafe Handling Practices for Raw MeatIf You're Feeling Stressed, So Is Your CatChoosing the Right Insulin for Your Diabetic CatA Veterinarian's View on Raw Cat Food: Andrea Tasi, VMD
Answers: What Exactly is an 'Obligate Carnivore?'Answers: What Dry Food Does to Your Cat's AppetiteAnswers: Why Won't My Cat Eat?Answers: Who Were Pottenger's Cats and Do They Matter?Answers: To Grind or Not to Grind Raw Cat Food?Answers: What Dry Food Does to Your Cat's TeethAnswers: What Dry Food Does to Your Cat's FurAnswers: What Dry Food Does to Your Cat's PeeAnswers: What Dry Food Does to Your Cat's GutAnswers: One More Reason to Ditch Dry Cat FoodAnswers: Do Cats Need Dietary Fiber?Answers: Cats in a Bind over PhosphorusAnswers: Let's Talk About Cat BarfAnswers: Making Raw Cat Food Kitty-SizedAnswers: Raw Food for Cats, What About Eating Bones?Answers: Getting Kitty to Like ChunkyAnswers: Are Exotic Meats Nutritious or a Novelty for Cats?Answers: Raw Food and Outdoor Cats, What About Worms?Answers: Take a Deep Breath and Cut the Mouse in HalfAnswers: The Stomach Contents of PreyAnswers: Flaxseed Oil for Kitty?Answers: Plant vs. Meat – The Protein Feud for Cat FoodAnswers: Kitty That Only Wants FishAnswers: Is It Okay for My Cat to Have Milk?Answers: Feed My Cat a Raw Egg Yolk?Answers: Raw Cat Food for My Cat's Mystery Allergy?Answers: Your Cat's Acid StomachAnswers: Cat Urine Ph, Why It MattersAnswers: Kittens Go Through Teething, TooAnswers: Raw Cat Food for All of Those Kittens!Answers: Why Did My Cat's Fur Get So Silky?Answers: Goaltending the Cat Food BowlAnswers: Who Are AAFCO and the NRC?Answers: Taking the Complexity Out of B Vitamins for CatsAnswers: The Paradox of Prescription Diets for Cats
How to Think Like a CatRaw Meaty Bones for Cats: Adult Supervision Required!Let Me Tell You About Raw Cat Food. Hey Come Back!But Kitty, What Nice Teeth You Have...Sasquatch vs. My CatI Worry About My CatYour Cat Worries About ThisYour Kitty May Need to Go to Chunk SchoolAre Cats Clandestine Consumers?Dry Cat Food – The Big EasyEight Cat CuriositiesCats and Cantaloupe: A Method to their MadnessThe Myth of the Finicky CatFalling Off the Cat Food Recipe CliffCat Daddy Talks Cat DietThe Popularity of Cat PoopThe Most Important Member, YouYou Said You Feed Your Cat, What?Oh! Those Dirty Little Kittens!It's My Cat's House, I Just Live ThereBlack Cats Are Not Unlucky at AllLessons From the Stoic CatIs There a Cat in the House?Rice Isn't NiceDon't Let it Bug You Kitty!Tell Your Cat to Chew on This!Cat Longevity and the Ultimate Test?Bug Patrol and Cat Stampedes: Life with Lots of CatsWhat Scraps?
Feeding Raw Food In Australia: What's Up Down UnderThe Cemetery Cats of Buenos AiresCats Are Paying Attention to Your FeelingsCheetahs in Captivity Need a Better DietIt Started With a Caracas Cat Named CaterpillarConsidering a Hybrid Cat?Tales from the Trenches: Feeding Kittens a Raw DietSaving Alistair: How Lyn Thomson Helped Stop IBD 11,000 Miles AwayRaw Cat Food Essentials and Fun Stuff, Too!There's No Kibble Served at the Big Cat RescueWhat Bob Dole Taught Me About Raw FoodAn Answer For Alex: Raw Food and Tight RegulationMangiare Crudo in Italia (Raw Fed in Italy)Melamine to Frankenprey: A Documented JourneyCould Everything We Know Be Wrong?A Brief History of Commercial Pet FoodWhen a Vegetarian Feeds A Raw DietRead Me! Great Books About CatsDuke's Story: Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseAdoption: What Should We Feed Our New Kitten?Malaysian Kittens Meet Frankenprey!Raw Food Co-ops: Make Buying Less Trying!Feeding Cats Ring Dings and Krispy Kremes
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Raw Cat Food Essentials and Fun Stuff, Too!

The Feline Nutrition Foundation is dedicated to educating people about the benefits of feeding their cats the right kind of diet. We want science-backed information to be freely available to everyone. That's a core part of our mission. We emphasize the freely part. Membership is free, all the information we offer is free and we don't have ads cluttering up the site. Everyone associated with our education and advocacy work is a volunteer. We are passionate about helping cats.

But, passion doesn't pay the bills. We depend on the generosity of people who also know how important our message is. We depend on you. Did you know that you can support our work and help cats get fed the right kind of food, simply by shopping?

The Feline Nutrition Foundation participates in both the Amazon Associates and Amazon Smile programs. When you shop at Amazon, your purchases help us fund our educational and outreach efforts. It's an easy way to support the Foundation, and it doesn't cost you anything extra. Here's some raw cat food supplies, stuff your cat needs plus fun stuff, too!

Meat Grinders for Homemade Raw Cat Food

The STX-1800-MG grinder is a good choice for making raw meat diets at home. It can handle most chicken thigh and leg bones. Reverse function. Excellent reviews from people using it to grind meat and bones for pet food.

Another great home grinder is the STX-4000 Turboforce II. It will grind smaller bones such as chicken thigh bones with ease. Has a handy optional foot pedal. Reverse Function. Great reviews for this model. Tip: Cutting the bones to shorter lengths using your meat cleaver and mostly freezing the meat makes any grinding job go smoother.

Weston is another maker of good quality grinders. The Weston Pro Series #12 Meat Grinder can easily handle smaller bones. It has stainless steel construction and a powerful one horsepower, 750 watt motor.

If you're making a lot of food or just want a faster, quieter machine, go for the Weston 22 Commercial Meat Grinder, which states that it can handle bones for pet food and will make short work of even chicken leg quarters and most turkey bones. Reverse function.

Mix It Up!

Set of six stainless steel mixing bowls. .75, 1.5, 3, 4, 5 and 8 quart sizes with non-slip silicone bottoms. Perfect for making raw cat food. Dishwasher safe.

Chop It Up!

If you are using whole chickens or turkeys, or even just leg quarters, then you know getting them apart is a chore. Get a heavy-duty meat cleaver to make short work of the job.

Serve It Up!

Raw pet food should not be served in plastic dishes! Stainless steel dishes are perfect for use with raw meats. Durapet offers three sizes of their low-sided bowls with non-skid bottoms.

These low-sided Pyrex glass dishes are great for storing and serving raw cat food. Handy lids mean you can stack them easily to store in the fridge when you want to prepare meals in advance. Stacking also makes it easy to carry multiple dishes to the feeding area. Heavy glass means that they don't move around much as the cats eat.

Weighing Your Options, er…Cats

Getting a good weight on your cat is important to monitor whether you are feeding the right amount and for general health reasons. The Health-o-Meter Baby Scale is a great scale for this. Most cats will lay on it readily, but if they squirm, this scale has a handy averaging function that will get an accurate weight even if the cat won't sit still. It also has a zero out function, so it will automatically subtract the weight of a towel or carrier.

Getting Fur Under Control

You won't believe how much excess fur you will get off of your cat using the FURminator. Plus, cats love being brushed with it. My cats go nuts if they see me pick it up and they jockey for position to be the first in line. Your cats would add this to the Fun Stuff category!

Get Rid of That Kitty Pee Odor

If you have cats, then you likely have had to deal with a cat who pees where she shouldn't. Getting rid of the smell can be challenging. Cleaning temporarily does it, but the smell comes back. That's because of the uric acid that is in cat pee. It's not water soluble, so normal cleaning just doesn't break it down. Only two things will take care of the uric acid and get rid of the smell: an enzymatic cleaner or CO2, carbon dioxide. Fizzion uses CO2 to break down the uric acid and really get rid of the odor, permanently.

At The End of Your Rope?

Have your sisal scratching posts or cat trees gotten worn out or are coming apart? Don't throw them out, just replace the sisal. Stores usually only sell 50 or 100 foot packages, which don't go as far as you'd think. Get a big box of it! This box has 732 feet of 3/8" sisal. Let your imagination go. You can cover a myriad of objects with sisal to keep your cat happy, such as table legs, wooden poles or boards. How about a floor to ceiling pole?

Perfect Litterbox Solution

Forget "real" litterboxes! These tubs by Rubbermaid are perfect. Big box in a small space, 36" long and 15" wide, there is plenty of space to turn around and there's even room for two at once. Up against a wall, they don't interfere with your floor space in a bathroom or mud room. Tall 14" sides help keep litter in and work great for those kitties that don't squat when they pee (you know who you are). Use without the lid, kitties prefer litterboxes without covers. Please note that the Amazon description says length is 26.8", this is incorrect, they are a full 36" long.

Save Your Couch, and Your Chairs, Walls, Tables…

Sometimes cats just won't leave your stuff alone, even when there's a perfectly good scratching post right there. To deter those claws and get them to shift to the post you provided, just use Sticky Paws. Attach to the areas they are abusing. Cats hate the sticky feel and will move elsewhere.

Warm Kitties!

Cats love a warm place to sleep and heat feels especially nice for those older kitties out there. These K&H heating pads come in different sizes to fit whatever cover you are using. They stay plugged in all the time and heat to a comfy 102°F when your pet is on it. Intended for indoor use.

Great Reads

Highly recommended is Your Cat by Dr Elizabeth Hodgkins. A perfect gift for a new cat person. Dr Hodgkins explains the importance of bio-appropriate diets among other feline topics.

Catification is a great new book by Jackson Galaxy and Kate Benjamin. How to make your house super cat-friendly and make life better for you and your cats.

Coloring for Adults

These are for you, not your cat. Color Cats Book One has thirty-two fun drawings featuring kitties as we all know and love them. Color Cats Book Two – Literary Reference Edition has twenty-five drawings, each alluding to a literary work inspired by cats. Both are by Feline Nutrition founder Margaret Gates Root. Break out the catnip, grab some colored pencils or markers and make these kitties your own! If you want to download free sample drawings to try out or view thumbnails of all of the images, visit

Fun Cat Tees

Looking for a cat tee for yourself or as a gift? Try one of these fun designs. Available in Men's, Women's and Kid's sizes in a variety of colors.

Check out Get a Cat - You'll Never Have to Pee Alone Again. Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows this is so true!

Cats have been protecting us from the rodent hordes for millenia. It's time to say thank you. Take a look at Cats on the Job.

Is this your retirement plan? Sounds good to us! Get the My Retirement Plan tee.

Wear this shirt get and get double-takes and grins. The Color Cats exclusive C@ tee.

A reminder that cats are meat eaters and predators. Get this Kitten Pouncing on a Mouse tee.

You'll love this subtle, vintage illustration of a Sleeping Tabby Cat.

On Amazon, click on the Color Cats brand to see more tees!

It's Play Time!

Da Bird has got to be the greatest cat toy ever. Cats simply cannot resist the way this feather toy flutters through the air – it pushes all of their buttons. I have to hide it in a room behind closed doors. If I even start to head towards the play room with it, they will all run ahead, meowing with excitement. Single piece 36" rod with two feather toys.

Boxes, Boxes and More Boxes

Face it, this is what your cat really wants. Turn a room into kitty heaven with 30 boxes. Make a fort, cut out holes, add some catnip and it's feline party time! You get 5 small, 20 medium and 5 large. Comes with tape, too.

Big Bags!

Cats love paper bags. These are oversize leaf bags and cats love them! Room for more than one cat at a time. Next time you need to add something to your order to get to the free shipping level, get your kitties the ultimate in bag fun.

The Sleepypod Air is approved for in-cabin airline travel and has some great features that make it a good choice even if you don't fly with your pet. It has straps to allow you to use your car's seat belt to safely secure the carrier. No more worrying about the carrier going flying if you have to hit the brakes suddenly! It also has a flap to slide over a rolling suitcase's handles. You can use this feature on a separate rolling luggage rack to securely transport your pet. Great if you have a heavy cat that is difficult to lug to the vet.

The Sherpa Original carrier is also airline approved and can be used with your car's seat belt for added safety. Top and end openings and mesh side and end so your cat can see out. Panel to slide over rolling luggage handles. And, it comes in different sizes, which is great if regular carriers are always too small for your big cat.

The Bergen Comfort Carrier is an economical carrier with great features. It has loops to connect your car's seat belt – a good safety feature. Ever want to pet your cat while waiting at the vet's, but are worried about unzipping the carrier and your cat escaping? The Bergen has a small, zippered, hand-sized opening on the side for just that purpose! Cool.

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